Coia: 04 - Something's Rotten in the state of Berekso

General Summary

The morning comes and the group finds that as no one else has incinerated during the night, they might as well inquire about the bounty from Lord Arris. We approach castle Beresko, noting that it's an older castle, not really suited for defense. After requesting an audience, Lord Arris tells us of rumors of something that is terrorizing travelers and nearby farmsteads. He tells us of a possible sighting by Arzida, his teenage son, of a goat-like creature near the lakeshore wildlife trail between Berkeso and Bedine. He has offered a bounty of 50G for anyone bringing back proof the creature is dead.   Leaving Berkeso Castle we head south through the East Town shops and stalls, over the Middleton bridge, through the Dairyborough and out the Mist Gate. Keeping the lakeshore to our right and following the wildlife trail, we carefully look into the woods and across the small fields trying to see anything like Lord Arris described. About two hours travel, we find the corpses of some partially eaten sheep. We notice through a gap in the shrubbery a gentle slope leading away from the lake. Further up we can see a metamorphic stone outcrop w/eroded quartzite anticline fold shaping the entrance to a small cave.  

Cave of Rot

  The cave has a dark, damp entrance littered w/small dead creatures, forest animals, and livestock. The afternoon sun illuminates about 30ft inside of cave. Inside, the main pathway leads to the right, a smaller opening trails off to the left. We head right and enter a 25ft long by 8ft wide hallway which opens to a larger room with 3 alcoves.   To the right is a short creature (Dretch) with a squat, rounded body that is heavily contrasted by its gaunt, emaciated limbs. Its pale and rubbery skin, morphing in colors from beige to blue, is sparsely covered by bristly hairs as well as pulsing, varicose veins. The eyes of the creature are slanted downward, its nose is squashed, and the exposed ears are pointed. We watch it feast and see many small fangs inside its slobbery, slack mouth, and a pair of claws shredding the flesh of this misfortunate livestock.   To the left is a tall creature (Rutterkin) lurching around: a disfigured demon-like humanoid, probably considered ugly even by demonic standards. Its skin is mottled green & blue-violet, and not completely hairless has the occasional patch or two of uncomfortable-looking wiry bristles. It has backward-pointing ears on either side of its pointed, elongated skull, and tiny, red eyes swollen with vicious hatred. Watching this thing for a bit you can hear it frequently howl, as if in pain, as its bodies continued to warp and contort at random.   Forward is a dead dretch. We attack and kill the live dretch and the Rutterkin. Finding nothing else here, we go back to the entrance and head left. Squeezing through the tall, but thin opening we come to an intersection, natural stone stalagmite & stalactite arrangement that splits the large chamber ahead. A small entrance room on the left houses 2 imps, and in the back of the main is another Dretch along with a Bulezau.   The Bulezau is an ominous creature about 9ft tall. Most similar to a minotaur, but gaunt to the point of seeming skeletal as opposed to being muscular. Rather than those of a bull, its massive horns are curved like that of a ram, with its feet ending in claws as opposed to hooves. It has filth-covered flesh, emanating the stench of carrion and covered in open boils filled with festering maggots. Patches of short, wiry bristles cover its body as opposed to a coat of fur, and the long, serpentine tail ends in a tangled clump of steel-like spines. It has a goat-like head hosting pale, rheumy, and crusted over eyes, while its needle-like fangs are concealed by lips caked in foam. Nearby is a ransuer, seemingly too large for its scrawny physique, slowly dripping with blood.   The group fight their way through the imps, dretch and ransuer to get to the Bulezau. After an intense battle, Nym is able to deliver the fatal blow. We cut off its head as proof and head back to the castle to collect payment.  

Back in Beresko

  Returning to Beresko, it's already night and we'll have to wait til the morning to collect our bounty. After another meal at the Green Grab Inn, we notice a lone figure eating a meal. Introducing herself as Retta and saying that she was looking for work, we agree to let her join the group since we're currently down a person. After getting to know her, we retired to their rooms at the inn, with Emis and Retta sharing a room as agreed.   The next morning, Nym wakes a bit earlier and heads down to the tavern that is still relatively empty save a few of the ships crew catching a meal before setting off later today. Azmira sets out a plate w/ham and 2 eggs, and a mug of ale. Nym takes a large mouthful of ale but just over the worn wooden rim he sees the familiar silhouette of Nicodemus who sits down across from him at the table. Nicodemus looks pale and hungry, his eyes sunken deep into their sockets, almost hollow. Nym finds himself frozen, motionless, the surrounding tavern fades in shadow and the morning chatter of plates being set down full and others being picked up empty, slowly dwindles.   Nicodemus speaks with a the voice that is not his, but that of the demon they encountered in the Shadowfell. "You think yourself wise by destroying one of my gates. Yet you are foolish not to realize I have many more. You think yourself strong by destroying one of my wildling minions and his pack. Yet you are so weak to easily kill one of your own party. You monk, have spilled first blood, now I will send my hoards to spill yours! And once I finish collecting my artifacts I will collect your souls, starting with you! What’s the matter, not thirsty?"   Nym shakes his head and notices Azmira standing at the table, “I said, what’s the matter, not thirsty? Are you doing ok?”. Nym realizes it was just a vision as the rest of the group awaken and come down for breakfast. He recounts his vision to them before they head out to see Lord Arris.   When they meet the Lord, they dump out the bag of heads on the floor as proof of their kill. Lord Arris' advisor Ethohs Funsani shrieks at the sight. He notes that where there’s a Bulezau, there’s usually a Nabassu demon either nearby or on the Shadowfell plane closely connected. As the group tell him about the portal they destroyed in Altherstab, he wonders aloud if it may have been an ancient Bukhara Spire, one of many portal links to the Shadowfell. If so, he says they must be destroyed. He isn't an expert on the subject and suggests that they visit the mage historian Yaldra Bretik in Tetbury at the Library of the Shimmering Elm, for answers on the Bukhara Spires.   Lord Arris is pleased and rewards them 10G each, promising that they may call in a favor in the future if they ever need it. On their way out of the castle, Emis spots a familiar looking figure and without saying anything to the group, runs off after him.

Rewards Granted

  • Bulezau – 10G, Potion of Superior Healing
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Emis Faralei
Nym Lenore
Moose Knuckle
Report Date
20 Jul 2022