Coia: 05 - We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

General Summary

On our way to the Great Docks to board the Horizon Reacher, we pass the alleyway were Nicodemus last stood. Still haunted by the image from breakfast, Nym looks in that direction and notices a scuffle between the red-cloaked man Dannish they've seen earlier and an elven wizard. They approach to intervene, and the elf Kelro Eathalena tells them that this red cloak accosted her while she was walking.   While he tries to play it cool, he clearly was in the wrong and when the group tries to apprehend him, a fight ensues and he is killed. Nym searches his pockets and finds a ring with a note saying "Bring me back this ring, but DO NOT put it on". The note was signed by Soren Lorenson a childhood friend of Nym's who betrayed him. Kelro says she was heading back to Tetbury and as the group was recently told to go there, they welcome her to tag along with them as part of their group.   We make it to the Horizon Reacher which will be sailing to Calimport over the next 3 days, stopping off in Aymock after the first day to restock. Capt. Rondak Svatomir and First Mate Kanighar Rostik greet us as we board and inform us that we'll be sleeping on the main deck in the forward cabin. He's eager to set sail and we take off with a rather uneventful first day at sea. We pass some time with crew member Yarloran Balken learning some new gambling games such as Glückshaus (primitive craps) and Passe-dix (past ten) when the crew aren't too busy.   At the end of the Buffalo river, we reach Aymock in the morning. After restocking supplies, we head back out on the open ocean heading for Calimport. After another uneventful day, we decide to take turns keeping lookout that nightfall. We notice that Yar is hanging out suspiciously in the front of the ship. The rest of the ship is eerily quiet. As we call out to her to see if anything's the matter, she suddenly turns into a large succubus and attacks us.   An epic battle with large 3D models of ships commences.
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Emis Faralei
Nym Lenore
Moose Knuckle
Report Date
21 Jul 2022