Coia: 09 - Shimmering Fountains of Information

General Summary

Thumbing through her new book, Yaldra Bretik tells the group more of the history of the portals and the Bukhara Spires. After the Silent Death (which started in −4370 DR) nearly destroyed Lower Imaskar, Lord Artificer Khotan created Spires that connected to another continent where the people had no control over the arcane arts & trans dimensional travel. Over the next four centuries, tens of thousands of slaves were taken from the other continent. Eventually this slave population began to intermarry with the Imaskari, giving rise to the Mulan ethnicity. These permanent, two-way portals allowed the rapid transportation of whole legions over vast distances in the blink of an eye. This allowed the Imaskar Empire to rapidly expand across the continent.   It sounds like demons or other powerful figures have commandeered them and are using them for interdimensional travel. She knows of five portals in existence and gives us a map of their locations. The nearest one to us is in Wigham, a small town about 100 miles northeast. She says there were of strange occurences in that part of the world.   Yaldra warns that any powerful magic users or demons would look to (or may already be) in possession of some powerful artifacts especially with regards to mind control or dimensional travel. She examines some of the items the party had recovered in their travels, noting Nym's Ring of Mind Shielding, suggesting that it was dangerous and cautioned against wearing it.   She tells the group of an item known as a Cubic Gate, a six-sided artifact that had previously been guarded by the monks outside of Upper Lachas. Each side of the cube is linked to a different dimension and can open the spires. But the monastery was sacked over 10 years ago, and the cube hasn’t been seen since.   She tells the group of the Rod of Rulership, a powerful artifact at the seat of the continent in the town of Coia on the western edge of Charlow Lake. She charges the group to visit Coia to make sure the Crown Jewels are still there and that the Rod of Rulership is intact.   She tells them of a Talisman of Ultimate Evil, she's been hearing whispers of its’ existence recently. If it is real, it must be destroyed. although she gives an emphatic warning that if we come across the talisman of Evil, not to touch it.   Yaldra tells us that she needs more time to go through the book and may have more answers in a few days. Deciding that Wigham is close enough, we agree to head there to investigate if that portal is still active, and destroy it if it is.  

Wigham's Waters are Wet

  The group set off for Wigham and had almost arrived when Nym noticed a shimmering fog off in the distance and the group decided to investigate. They came upon a swampland. Ravens circled nearby and the group attempted to use an owl to communicate with ravens. That came to nothing.   As they entered the swamp, they encountered water creatures that rose from the water and moved on land. Nym first got his butt handed to him by the water beast and had to lube up with his Keogham’s ointment.   The group crossed over some smaller islands via rickety bridges and came across a portal being guarded by two creatures. One monster was weird in that the closer it got to death, the more powerful its attacks became. Nym foolishly ran in and punched it to almost death at which point it turned around and killed him. But he’s feeling better now…   The other monster get chased around by Emis for a bit before the rest of the group killed it.   The group attempted to activate the portal with the only magical objects they had but it seemed to be dead so they destroyed the portal. As it was getting dark, they decided to continue on to Wigham.

Rewards Granted

citrine gem, 160 G, 190 S, potion of poison resistance, obsidian statuette (750), potion of fire breath, potion of greater healing, robe of useful items, potion of superior healing, oil of sharpness, mace of disruption
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Emis Faralei
Nym Lenore
Moose Knuckle
Report Date
02 Oct 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location