Coia: 11 - Plunging the Shitter

General Summary

Continuing to clear the shitter, most of the party makes its way across the narrow rickety bridge on the left. Sszarden takes another nap, and sends his owl to scout but it gets killed by a sudden blast of ice coming from beneath the bridge. The group approaches single-file and as Sszardan and Moose round the corner, they see a large tentacled Spectator with a bunch of eyeballs sitting on a rock near some Grell minions.   Mind magic blows past the group and takes over Zenhorn who suddenly thinks everyone is an enemy. He raises his bow, taking aim at Sszarden (who's already fired a helluva shot at the Spectator). Before Zenhorn can act, Moose rages, then rushes forward, leaping up onto the rock and cleaving the Spectator in two. With the creature dead, Zen's mind clears and Sszardan is never aware of the danger he was in.   The party dispatches the Grell and continues to clear the Shitter. They decide to split up to cover more ground because that always works out well.   Sszarden, Moose, and Emis and his bears travel down the steps to a lower level of the dungeon. They find and rummage through some living quarters long abandoned and find a Potion of Healing. They also spot a regular Grick to their left and an Alpha Grick straight ahead. Choosing to take on the smaller Grick , they easily dispatch it before heading down the river towards the Alpha.   Meanwhile, Retta, Nym and Zen investigate the area beneath the bridge. Retta throws her boob globe under the bridge but nothing seems to happen. They wait for awhile but as the rest of the team doesn't seem to be coming that way, they head over to the other side and play hackeysack with the boob globe. Retta hands Nym some "magic" pebbles and tells him that they are very powerful when thrown. A few minutes later, Sszarden (who's down below) notices the bouncing boob-lights and hails the group above who quickly climb down to rejoin the party. Sszarden tells them to continue following the stream towards the Alpha, while he and Moose go around the other side to flank it.   When the team gets within range, all hell breaks loose. Szarden fires his arrows with precision accuracy. Moose rages in fury against the hapless Alpha. Emis shifts into bear form and growls at it menacingly from afar, Nym yells "suck on these demon!" and hurls the "magic" pebbles, waiting for an explosion that never comes. Zenhorn fires a few arrows, and Retta makes more magic pebbles. A bolt of lightning from Emis strikes the creature and Moose delivers a crushing blow.   The Alpha Grick is no more.   Time waits for no bear, and Emis rushes into a room ahead to find a Guardian Bone Naga waiting. He, Moose, and Sszarden finish it off quickly.   On further investigation the group finds another path and immediately encounters a Bone Naga who tried unsuccessfully to put them all to sleep. The group fights valiantly and quickly dispatches this Naga too.   Emis rushes ahead once again to the surprise of literally no one in the party. Of course, he encounters the deadly Sprit Naga. Rather than hanging around cornered, the Spririt Naga teleports out, back into the main hallway. The group quickly adjusts and runs back out to face it. After a brief skirmish the Naga is chased back and cornered, and Sszarden fires the kill shot that pins the Naga to the back wall like a mounted trophy.   Moose scans the area for magic and finds an undetermined spell scroll in a desk drawer. Sszarden collects the dead monsters in the bag of holding, the group takes one last whiff, and heads back upstairs.
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Emis Faralei
Nym Lenore
Moose Knuckle
Report Date
02 Nov 2022