Coia: 14 - Deja Vu All Over Again

General Summary

After the events of the previous night, the group just wants to take it easy and lay low for the rest of the voyage. Captain Ron is bitching about how we always seem to bring trouble along with us. The third night starts out rather uneventful, but on the second watch, Sszarden notices three figures following behind the boat.   As they get closer, the group realizes that it's a group of merfolk. Thinking this shouldn't be too bad, Retta sends out a thunderclap which rocks the boat baby, but doesn't scare them off. Sszarden calmly unleashes an arrow from the back and takes out the one on the right. Emis turns into a plesiosaur and chomps down on the one on the left. It cries out in warning as if to alert more.   Nym tries to jump onto the boat they recently acquired, but slips on the deck and lands in the ocean. He pulls himself up onto the little boat, gives a thumbs up. Just then the last merfolk tries to attack the boat, but Nym lands the ole' 1-2 double quarter-staff with fries on him and kills him.   After a second ship approaches from the front, an air elemental, an invisible stalker, a water element Myradiam, a Bodak and two Shoosuva climb aboard the ship in an amazing ambush-at-sea. The group shut princess Sachia in a room by herself but forget to lock the door. As they continue the fight on the deck, the Myradiam sneaks into the room and kills the princess. Fortunately she's only "nearly dead" as Nym slathers her up with some Keoghtom's Ointment to bring her back to life.   Moose dispatches the water elemental while Retta kills off the Shoosuva. Sszarden kills off the air elemental and someone destroys the invisible stalker. Sszarden throws a bead of force at the Bodak, and they watch the bead encapsulates him. They quickly push him off the ship. The Merenolith chases him down and tries to save the Bodak, but we're able to kill the Merenolith.   The Bodok floats away into oblivion.

Rewards Granted

  • 296G, onyx dog collar, potion of superior healing, potion og greater healing, oil of etherealness, Vicious Trident (+1)
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Emis Faralei
Nym Lenore
Moose Knuckle
Report Date
21 Dec 2022