Coia: 16 - Seeing Red

General Summary

The group awakens to find Retta holding Diothenes at bay. Tensions are running high as Retta is miffed that she was bounced off by the racist forcefield surrounding the cabin. Zenhorn is pleased that he was able to seize the magic Stormbow off Jayson before he died. Sszardan is questioning his loyalty to this group once after he again missed the elusive magical bow he’s been searching for. Nym is upset that he wasn’t able to react quick and effectively enough to slow Moose’s rage. Moose is still calming down after satiating his bloodlust. And the entire group is pissed at Diothenes and demanding answers.   Diothenes swears that he has no idea what happened. He swears he is an avowed at Candlekeep and was researching Redevus Branch. He doesn’t remember the last few weeks and doesn’t know how he got to Aveton. No longer having Jayson Boothebarrel around to confirm his story, we decide to ask Lord DavidLee to return him to Candlekeep where they can sort out what really happened. Returning to the castle, We are greeted by one of the citadel guards who has been looking for the group to pass along a Sending Stone from Yaldra with strict instructions to keep in contact as progress is made on the ‘task.’ We ask about the quickest way to Herthe and he tells us about caravan passage to Herthe that usually leaves after lunch from the eastern gates of the city.   Lord DavidLee Roth meets with us and agrees to send Diothenes to Candlekeep. He seems to be in an aggressively bad mood and we ask for our payment, he turns his back and slams the door in our face. Maybe Sachia did remember what happened after all.   Deciding not to press our luck, we returned to the Deadfish Tavern and decide it would be a good idea to have a group therapy session. Over a hearty breakfast we talk about our lives, our loves, our hopes, and our dreams. Feeling closer than ever and like we’ve had enough quality “us” time, we attempt to get more information about the Red Cloaks. The barmaid tells us to try the warehouse by the docks, so we head out there after Sszarden gives Nym a makeover so that he looks like Dannish.  

At the Warehouse

  We head to the docks where we find the warehouse; a massive wooden structure 3 or 4 stories tall 55’x90’ large, few small windows high-up, large hangar-like door on the western ocean side likely to allow fishing boats to be brought in for repair, the foundation in the water is stacked stone mortared in-place except where the hangar door swings out to allow access, single door with peeking hatch & wrought iron strapping encasing it.   Nym confidently approaches the front door and knocks. A small hatch open and two small eyes peer out and ask what he wants. He identifies himself as Dannish and asking to speak to Soren, claiming that he has the ring he wanted. He’s told that Soren isn’t there and is promptly denied entry. As Nym tries to convince the doorkeeper of his intentions, he hears a bell ring as the hatch shuts. Archers suddenly appear from the top floor and Zen casts a cloud of fog on the group for cover. Emis turns himself and Nym into beetles to crawl under the door. Once inside he charms the were-tiger doorkeeper into being a friend who then opens the door for the others.   Looking around, we find ourselves in a large dimly lit room, 50’x75’, open ocean taking up most of the space with working walkways around 3 sides. Crates and barrels are scattered around the perimeter. The walkway is 3’-4’ above the water and the ceiling is an additional 20’ beyond. A small single fishing boat is moored farthest away from the massive ocean access door.   We notice 3 ropes of different colors (red, silver and green) attached to bells next to the door. The green bell is still swinging from when the doorkeeper pulled it a minute ago. We let him know that we’d like to sell the ring and he quickly pulls on the red rope and we hear that bell ring. A cloud of darkness drops on the group and we see a Hill Giant bouncer come out of a nearby room. Deciding to get it over with all at once, Sszarden grabs the silver rope and rings that bell, causing another door to open revealing a Shadowblade Drow who acted as a fence for the Red Cloaks.   Oh it’s on…   Moose begins to float in the air while Sszarden starts shooting. Nym takes a flying leap with his quarterstaff and slips and falls into the water. As he does, he hears an annoying voice cry out "Where am I? Who goes there?" that apparently only he can hear. Realizing there must be a soul trapped in his ring, he suddenly feels overwhelmingly lucky and jumps out of the water, ready to fight. Unfortunately, the rest of the group has already killed off the Weretiger, Hill Giant, and Shadowblade Drow. Searching through the room were the Drow came from, they discover it to be an office filled with a good deal of loot, a set of keys, and a lever. The keys open up another panel with more loot, and as they pull the lever, they see the staircase descend from the ceiling.   Up we go…
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Emis Faralei
Nym Lenore
Moose Knuckle
Report Date
02 Nov 2023
Primary Location