Coia: 19 - The Bards are Back in Town

General Summary

The group find themselves in a small town with two houses that form a courtyard where they find four men singing Justin Beiber songs in the center. Hearing enough, the group quickly fire upon the these cacophanant noise-makers. They quickly discover that these are were-bards as they turn into a bear, a boar, a tiger, and a rat.   Taking cover behind a large wall, the group initially does some good damage to the group when suddenly the group disappears and in their place a massively large werewolf appears. He does some serious damage to our party before vanishing himself. Were? We don't know.   The group hears singing coming from inside the houses. They first approach the wood house and Nym and Emis make their way inside. They fight off the boar and the rat as other blow a whole in the roof and attack from a distance. After dispatching the rat and boar, the group attempt to break into the stone house with much less success.   After trying to break in through the roof, Jared Leto finnaly blows open the door and the group rush inside to kill off the bear and tiger. Congratulating ourselves that we came through mostly unscatched, Nym motices a bite mark on his shoulder where the were-tiger got him for a minute. Meh, it's probably nothing...

Rewards Granted

  • 3838 G
  • Latern of Revealing
  • cuddly stuffed animal that gives advantage against being frightened
  • Arrow of Walloping
  • Rod of PactKeeper
  • Eyes of Minute Seeing
  • Marvelous Pigments
  • Rope of Climbing
  • Eyes of the Eagle
  • Horn of Silent Alarm
  • 2 immovable rods
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Emis Faralei
Nym Lenore
Report Date
06 Nov 2023