Coia: 20 - Goodbye Moosey, Hello Lucy

General Summary

After dispatching the were-bards, Moose decides that it is his turn to serve the tree. His good friend Lucius (a tall human with striking grey eyes) trades places with him and he disappears along with the tree. Gerhart informs us that we need to get a move on if we want to make it to Herthe anytime soon, so we get back in the caravan to continue our journey.   As we travel southeast and around evening we come upon Gerhart's hometown of Grantherfon, a small fishing & farming village, nothing more than stop-over on the travel between Herthe & Aveton. As we approach, we can see that the town is in rough shape with many holes in the the tops of buildings. Gerhart is surprised as he hasn't been back in almost a year.   We stop and in town and meet a local farmer named Jaffy, who is also a town elder and long-time friend of Gerhart. Jaffy tells us that over the last month, lightning strikes have been happening very late at night, sometimes even during a cloudless sky. A few nights ago a couple of teenagers who were up late swore they saw something flying through the sky just before the last strike.   Suspecting a dragon, Gerhart asks the group to investigate. Jaffy offers a modest reward and the local blacksmith offers to make scale mail if they bring back any dragon hide.   The next morning, we head off in the direction the attacks seem to come from, we travel for about an hour before coming to a clearing where a river diverges into two streams, forming a small island in between. A pair of dilapidated stone bridges with spindly woods on either side have been erected to allow crossing the river. In the distance, across from the far bridge, we spot a Fomorian Giant.   As we cross the first bridge, we realize that it's an ambush as a giant troll comes up on one side, a slug approaches from the other, and a large Ooze monster also appears. A battle ensues which has lasting effects. Lucy is cursed with Magical Deformities from the Giant, and Zen is infected with the Ooze which acts as a parasite.   As we shoot the Ooze, it splinters off into a separate glob that also needs killing. We dispatch all the monsters other than the Slug which runs away.   It's only mid-morning, but being badly hurt and needing a rest, Retta creates the a neon pink Nut-to-Butt-Hut where we can sleep peacefullly for the afternoon and heal up.

Rewards Granted

  • helmet; great club; 30S; jug of troll blood (worth 400G)
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Emis Faralei
Nym Lenore
Report Date
14 Nov 2023