Coia: 21 - Coming in Through the Back Door

General Summary

After our catnap, we gather our things and prepare to leave the coziness of the hut. Just as Lucy begins to pee out of it, the hut disappears.   We follow the trail to the base of a desert mountain just above the tree line, where we find a once grand entrance of very weathered and worn stonework. The mountain continues hundreds of feet vertically, marking the northern most part of the Cocker Mountains. The entrance is a 12’ wide, 20’ high open stone doorway, simple in style with gouge marks line the walls and a faint smell of ozone fills the softly lit entrance.   We assume this is a dragon's nest and decide to wait for it to appear and ambush it. Spotting a ledge about 60 ft up, Zen and Szarden climb up each others rods to get better access. Upon reacing the top, they discover another entrance to the cave. Szarden and Emis send in their familiars to spelunk the holes. Rasputin the owl bites it and the chameleon finds jack.   Suddenly, a large object shoots out of the top of the mountain and flies away toward the town. Retta summons a horse and gallops after it. The rest of the group decides that now is a good time to scout the lair and lay a trap for when it returns.   Lucy, Emis and Nym root through the backdoor. The walls of the lair are almost fully crystallized glass, most of its floors are loosely packed sand, with patches of rough stone showing through in some areas. Occasionally in the wall are constructed a system of mirrors to bring in sunlight from areas open to the sky, a system that not only brightly lights the interior but also heats the sand to a comfortable basking temperature.   A Banshee appears and knocks Emis out while Nym and Lucy take it on. Lightning traps flare up occasionally during the encounter. On the other side of the cave Szarden and Zen encounter a baby blue dragon that kicks a bit of ass for awhile. We're able to kill both the dragon and the banshee just as Retta rides back in to inform us that the dragon flew out to sea.   We loot the lair and find lots of cool stuff. Emis immediately puts on the Helm of Brilliance before discussing it with the group. Deciding to set a trap, we lay the filleted body of the baby blue out as if it's asleep. Zen and Nym fashion a large slipknot at the top of the opening and Emis lays a snare spell beneath that. Szarden lassoes a stalactite and gets ready to drop it while Retta readies herself to earth bind anything that comes through.   And now, we wait...
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Emis Faralei
Nym Lenore
Report Date
13 Mar 2023