Coia: 22 - Fire in the Hole

General Summary

Szarden's owl alerts us that the dragon has returned and as it perches atop the mountain, Emis turns into a giant snake and slithers toward the baby corpse to lure it down. The dragon quickly descends, breaking through the physical traps. Forgetting it has Legendary Resistance, the dragon allows Retta to Earthbind it to the ground. The dragon nearly kills Emis as the rest of the party deal some swift damage, but Zen delivers the final blow straight through the eye of the dragon.   The group leaves the nest and Retta builds a neon-green nut-to-butt-hut where we rest up before heading back to Grantherfon. The town offers 32 G but we decline it. Jaffy tells us that the Banshee may once have been a woodland elf. We visit the blacksmith and ask him to make some dragon-scale armor with the scales. Gerhart takes the troll blood from us and says he can have some Troll Blood Elixer brewed up by the next morning.   Maybe it was due to the excitement of the day, maybe it was due to the entire package of E.L. Fudge cookies we ate before bed. But that night we all have strange dreams.   Retta remembers the evening when Nicodemus first stepped into her life and saved her at a time when she most needed it. Lucy fondly recalls shredding the lute with one of his first troupes as they toured the western coastline towns, telling tales and collecting coins.   Sszardan remembers being in his late teens at family feast, pulling pranks on the nobility. Zen tosses as images of his young pregnant wife mingle with images of his home engulfed in flames. Nym keeps seeing flashes of the monastery getting raided, an adult Soren running out holding the glowing object.   Emis dreams of cycling through various animal shapes: goat, snake, octopus, camel, and eventually a raven which takes flight into the Shadowfell through a doorway; visions of a barren, desolate landscape if not for the hundreds of creatures emerging through distant doorways, all trekking towards a dark fortress near the center, within the fortress stands the reverse side of a towering creature that quickly turns, arm outstretched in his direction…   Morning will bring something new.

Rewards Granted

  • From Big Dragon: heart, fangs, front claws, horn; dragon egg; head of baby dragon; Dragonslayer Shield; Elixer of Troll Blood
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Emis Faralei
Nym Lenore
Report Date
20 Mar 2023