Coia: 25 - Scientists Can be Real Jerks

General Summary

After resting in the antechamber, the group proceeds into a hexagon-shaped room where they find a man sitting at a desk. He notices them and immediately puts them in a magic invisible cage. They question him and discover that the town is asleep because he is a scientist who's running an experiment. They are in the Tower of Agarez which is one of several mobile research spaces. He's a cagey little bitch when they question him and simply says he doesn't care what happens to the town or people, his experiment is all that's important.   Realizing that talk is getting them nowhere, battle ensues. A cloud of poison gas comes over the party, he does some legendary attacks, people get shot up on pillars of stone, Leto dies again, and eventually Mr. Scientist gets so wounded that he teleports out. A couple of statues then attack, us but we kill them.   We realize that he was making small prototypes of things that grow more powerful. The tree at the top was his experiemnt and now that the tower has been breached, it disappears once everyone leaves. Although it takes us 5 hours to walk back to the village (because Nym keeps getting the party lost), we discover that it's just later that same day, time apparently ran differently in the tower.  

On the Road Again

  Sszarden copies down some of the book he stole to send off to Yaldra for translation. Leto decides to stay in town for a few days while the rest of us meet back up with Gerhart and begin our travel to Herthe. Now that we have a little more time, we examine our caravan more closely. The barn we've been in has half a dozen stalls flanking a center walk, some filled with hay, others with tools and miscellaneous items. In one of the stalls, we come across Samuel, a stowaway little boy who tells us that his parents are dead, (his mom during childbirth, his dad from the blue dragon last week) and he's going to Herthe see his uncle Rabbard.   Deciding we should inform Gerhart, we go up a ladder to a catwalk atop the caravan that connects the barn to the house in front via a rope bridge. We walk across and come down into the house to find a standard farmhouse layout (kitchen and living area on the first floor, bedrooms and baths on the second). We also find a magical shitter that drops poop randomly in the town of Coia. Gerhart has many wares in his house including superior healing potions, a ring of water walking, a manual of quickness of action, a ring of animal influence, and a potion of vitality.   We take Samuel to the front to meet Gerhart who agrees to take the boy along with us. We also discover that the horses are actually Bahirs (giant electric salamanders). During the journey, Nym attempts to make contact with Borivik but has no luck.   After traveling for a few hours, a humanoid approaches from the woods and jumps up onto the caravan next to Gerhart. He's a satyr Faneleise barbarian named Garus Silenus. He's from Feywild (the Great Forest) and unknowingly walked on to the material plane from there somehow. Deciding he seems harmless enough, we don't kill him and let him tag along.   Shortly thereafter, we come upon a tree blocking our path. Some of the group get out to knock it away and it disappears mysteriously into the forest. Here we go again...
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Garus Silenus
Nym Lenore
Report Date
10 Apr 2023