Coia: 26 - A Serious Game of Whack-a-Vrock

General Summary

After clearing the tree in our path, we were ambushed by vicious hungry forest creatures who were either defending their home or looking for food.   In an epic battle full of too many twists and turns to accurately remember here, Vrocks swooped down out of the sky and laid some serious hits on our party, scaring Nym so badly he couldn't move for quite awhile.   Some Will-o-Wisps who'd been eating their Wheaties packed a helluva punch on some of our party, while a Myconid Sovereign approached looking none-too-friendly. Some Wood Woads kept jumping out of trees and playing whack-a-mole with us, while Retta lit the forest ablaze to drive them out. In a surprising and yet super-effective move, our friendly bard transformed into a huge ape with a penchant for jumping around and smashing things.   We tried to get the Bahirs to move, but the forest creatures kept killing us off just as we mounted them. Several party members went down at least once and will have that taste in their mouths for days to come.   Eventually we were able to subdue the last of them and get on our way.

Rewards Granted

  • 17 C; 560 G; Bag of magic beans
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Garus Silenus
Nym Lenore
Report Date
17 Apr 2023