Coia: 27 - Fairytale Vengeance

General Summary

After recovering from our recent battle, Gerhart cooks us a nice breakfast while simultaneously teaching Retta how to steer the Bahirs. Weirdo. Samuel tells us a childhood fairytale he'd heard about a blue dragon “Tambourine the Dead Trumpet” who terrorized villages along with Glacirax the white and some red dragon he couldn't remember the name of.   Gerhart says he must be thinking of Tamburas the Dread Tempest and suspects that may be the dragon we encountered. Over the years Tamburas has been blamed for crop famine, livestock disappearing, general chaos that can’t always be explained.   He recounts stories of dragons in the Berland mountains to the far east, but notes this was the first time they’ve been spotted towards the western portions of Coia. There used to be a balance between chromatic and metallic dragons, keeping them in check. Something must have tipped the scales and forced, or freed, the chromatic dragons to leave their region.   Up ahead we notice smoke and we slow down to investigate. We come upon a half-orc named Ted the Cold-Nosed who says he's looking for his clan but seems a little suss. He smells the dragons in Lucy's bag and asks what we did to his brothers. Shit goes south real fast and battle quickly ensues as he turns into a white dragon and tries to smoke us. Suddenly another Red dragon comes swooping in out of the sky to join him. After a crazy battle, too crazy to document accurately, we kill the white dragon while the red one flies off to fight another day.   Investigating the body of the white dragon, Lucy takes its dewlap, Garus takes a tail spine, Zen takes a fang, and we remove the dragon heart. We also take some Dimension Shackles off its legs. Garus having disarmed it when it was still an orc, took the dragonslayer longsword.  

Herthe Ain’t Exactly Happening

  We get back on the road and Gerhart heals us all. We make it to Herthe and hitch up the caravan; Gerhart taking off to return Samuel to his uncle. He tells us to meet him at the Dancing Donkey tavern where we should ask for Wolfgang the Pintail or his son Arnold.   We wander into Herthe which is not the looming city we'd expected; there are no defining walls to this hamlet, but clusters of farms, houses and shops that flank a main road. Wandering through we notice there are no sounds, not human, not even livestock. We check the houses as we pass but find no sign of anything. Zen lends an ear to the corn, but is none the wiser.   We help ourselves to some supplies at the empty general store before Sszarden notices movement by a cart near the apothecary. Sneaking up as he does, he finds a human woman hiding by the cart. She says her name is Mithac Fezim and she came from Aveton at the request of Soren Loernson. She is looking for a group of travelers, one of which is a barbarian that has something evil that she wants to destroy.   We nod our heads in disbelief and tell her we’ve never heard of such a group, but we'll definitely be on the lookout for those guys. Just then she closes her eyes as if in a trance and says she senses something moving in both the apothecary across the way, and in the tavern behind us.   We run into the apothecary only to be attacked by the librarian Julianna Birch. Seems like she’s been possessed by a ghost which we quickly beat out of her. After coming back to consciousness, he tells us she doesn’t remember anything other than opening her shop door, being blinded, and then waking up here.   We send her home and loot her shop.

Rewards Granted

  • Enemies: Ted the Cold-Nosed Dragon, red dragon Loot: White dragon heart, mystery shackles, dragon dewlap(Lucy), dragon scale (Garus), dragon fang (Zen), Dragonslayer Longsword (Garus) Encounter #2: Enemies: Ghost Librarian Loot: potions of greater healing, invisibility, and fire resistance; tattered belt with 74G
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Mithac Fezim
Garus Silenus
Nym Lenore
Report Date
24 Apr 2023
Primary Location