Coia: 29 - Strangeness in the Night

General Summary

Retta and Szarden decide to head off to find Moose and possibly free him of his curse. On their way out of town, they check in with Mithac who is reviving Gideon Beckett. They let her know what's going on and Retta hands Gideon a pamphlet titled "So You've Been Possessed" and tells him good luck. As they pass out of town, a neon yellow light in the distance disappears. The group (already half-naked) quickly robes back up and heads back to town to meet up with Mithac and assess the situation. While talking with Wolfgang through the window, Nym notices movement by the bridge.   As they watch, two ghosts cross the bridge and scare half of the party. They are easily dispatched but Nym hears more noises coming from the Mill. As they prepare for another ambush, they see a Lost Sorrow-sworn approach the bridge, hunched over with dead eyes and a face on constant pain due to the large crystals sticking out of its butt. Lucy decides it's time to bust out his T-rex skills which excites Zen since he's never ridden a dinosaur. The group makes quick work of the creature and Mithac delivers the fatal blow through the eye.   They decide to scout out the rest of town to clear out any remaining monsters before seeking shelter for the night. They find the bodies of the millworker and his wife in the mill and Zen pockets 40G and a gold bracelet worth 20G but discover no other monsters. Deciding the town is safe, they head out back towards the town entrance to a deserted farmhouse out there to try to camp out for the night.   Upon entering they find some sour milk and stale food has been left out, the place hasn't been used for days. The body of a farmer lies on the floor with a large burn mark down his back. Something killed him recently but after looking around the house and barn we decide it's as safe as we'll get. Nym and Mithac trade off the night watch. Nym feels the full moon calling to him and things almost get hairy, but he's able to calm down. Mithac thinks she sees a large flying object circling in the sky and warns the group when they rise in the morning.   The group heads back to town to find Gideon’s house and the Dancing Donkey deserted. Upon further investigation, Nym finds Arnold’s dead body on the floor of the tavern. He’s been killed in the same way as the farmer. Searching the bar, Nym finds a small vial of unknown clear liquid, an unidentified belt, and 8 sealed carafes of fine mead. Gerhart arrives and reports that people were leaving the town and told him and Samuel’s uncle to get out. He’s saddened by Arnold’s death and implores that we put a stop to this evil.   They head back to the church to find it empty, the rod still intact. Removing the rod and the tile, they descend the stairs into a dark chamber with a small bed and dresser. Finding little of value except an old wooden cross, they continue to scour the underground labyrinth. Zen goes invisible and searches a room on the left with dozens of wine barrels. He finds a small blue sapphire in an empty barrel and notices there’s something odd about it.   The rest of the group heads right and as they go down the hall two flesh-seeking ghouls attack them but they are quickly dispatched. Zen re-joins the party and they all head into a crypt room where strangely, nothing attacks. Heading deeper into the maze we come across another room with even more crypts, but still, strangely nothing attacks. After leaving this room an arrow whizzes by Garus.   Oh yeah, there it is...

Rewards Granted

  • 40 G, bracelet worth 20 G (Zen) belt, 8 carafes of fine mead, vial of clear unkown liquid (Nym) wooden cross (Nym) small unkown sapphire (Zen)
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Mithac Fezim
Garus Silenus
Nym Lenore
Report Date
27 Nov 2023