Coia: 30 - The Third Spire Falls

General Summary

As Lucy leaned out the crypt room door, an arrow whizzed by his head. Garus ran down the hall to find himself in a large room with 4 columns lined with human bones and skulls. Two vicious Erinyes attacked as he entered. On the far wall was a large stone portal that lit up as he entered the room. Out stepped a Bodak with 2 hellhounds on a chain. One Erinyes disappeared only to be replaced by a Death Kiss. This room was filling up with enemies pretty darn quickly.   Garus activated his Eldritch Maul tattoo and shoved the Bodok back through the portal. As he neared the portal, his head was filled with violent imagery, and it became clear that approaching the portal would cause immense psychic damage. Nym ran into the room and smacked the first Erinyes stunned. Zen released his Black Pudding Ochre Jelly which fortunately stayed aligned with him and tried to consume our foes. Lucy became a wandering bounding tiger and attacked the Erindyes.   Nym brought down his bone staff on one of the hellhounds so hard that it exploded. Worked up by this kill, Nym felt his feral instincts kick in as he changed into a Weretiger. Filled with new power and rage he immediately smacked down the second hellhound and killed it as well. The Bodok re-emerged from the portal and he and Nymtiger smacked each other around a bit before Garus finished the Bodok off.   The other Erinyes re-emerged and joined with the Death Kiss and the portal’s inherent psychic damage, they lay some heavy damage on the party, knocking out Lucy, Nymtiger, and Garus, and killing the Ochre Jelly. Mithac used her Mace of Disruption to great effect until she was also knocked out by the Death Kiss. Fortunately, Zen came to the rescue of all and healed the party on multiple occasions. Once healed, Mithac was able to dispel the poison inflicted by the Erinyes.   After being revived, Nymtiger chased down the remaining Erinyes and pummeled it to near death before Zen delivered kill shots to its mouth and crotch. Turning back to the portal, the group made some ranged attacks before casting dispel magic to remove the psychic protection so they could hammer away at it. Nymtiger remembers delivering the final blow to the keystone that caused the portal to shatter and crumble to the ground. They pocket the keystone as proof of the portal’s destruction. Inscribed on the keystone is the phrase “Udasta Cengur Ulshar Viden” which Garus was able to translate as “Our Lord’s Psychic Gate”.   Severely hurt, but aware there were still more catacombs to comb, Lucy casts a Catnap spell to let Garus, Mithac, and himself take a 10 minute short rest while Zen and Nymtiger stand guard.

Rewards Granted

  • 750G and helm of Eyrines
  • Ioun Stone of Sustenance (Garus from hellhound collar)
  • Ioun Stone of Fortitude (Mithac from Death Kiss)
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Mithac Fezim
Garus Silenus
Nym Lenore
Report Date
15 May 2023