Coia: 38 - Women are 80% Cacao

General Summary

Entering the Labyrinth

  After finally escaping his cage, Nym joins the others as they crest over the ridge to look for the scoundrels who stole their things. Sszarden tosses his lockpicking set down to Nym who gives it to the remaining prisoners so they can free themselves.   The group climbs up a hill and reach the top of the caldera. Looking down, they see a labyrinth of stone in the center with what appear to be portals staggered around the perimeter. Lucy detects that his amulet is to the right, so naturally the group splits in half, some going right, some going left. Coming across the kobolds who stole their things, the group begins to dispatch them when they hear the cries of the Abishai.   Descending upon them the Abishai are as threatening as ever, charming some and frightening others. Eventually the group is able to overcome them with Sszarden delivering both kill shots. They loot the bodies and get all their stuff back.  

Catching Up with Old Friends

  Nicodemus and Mithac race towards the caldera in an attempt to find their friends. Nicodemus moves much quicker and catches up to Nym as he battles a kobold. After a quick catch-up, Nicodemus informs the group that he doesn't know how he got here or why he's ghost-like.  

The Aftermath

  Once the battle is over, the group decides to head back through the portal to rest up before investigating the caldera further. Mithac finally catches up to the group and Nicodemus agrees to keep watch on this side.

Rewards Granted

  • Lucy on kobold: 80S, Dragon-shield (75G)
  • Garus on kobolds: 31G, 150G, shield
  • Zen on kobold: 140G, Dragon-shield
  • Szarden on Blue: Rod of Rulership, +1 quarterstaff (500G), 120 P
  • Nym on Red: +1 vicious morning-star (500G), fine cloak (15G), jeweled broach (1250G)
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Mithac Fezim
Garus Silenus
Nym Lenore
Report Date
24 Sep 2023