Coia: 39 - We Just Need a Little Catnap

General Summary

Once on the other side of portal, the group remembers that a cave-in had blocked the other exit. It looks like their only viable way out is back into the Shadowfell. Hoping to catch some rest, the group starts to hunker down while Nym contacts Yaldra to let her know what's going on. Lucy also sent word to his tree contact.   A few minutes later, Yaldra telepathically connects to Nym and asks what was happened. Nym relays the tale and she asks if anyone else knows they have the Rod of Rulership. Nym says no and they both agree that no one should tell anyone that they have it. Yaldra notes that some of her trusted friends are worried about the current leadership. She says we should have whoever is the most religious and trustworthy hold on to the Rod for now.   She informs him that the portals need to be destroyed from both sides to truly inactivate them. Their best bet to be able to travel back and forth to the Shadowfell to accomplish this would be to use the cubis gate which is still with Gerheardt who's traveling to Ponyo. She suggests that their best next step would be to somehow get to Upper Lachais to meet with her librarian colleaugue Barry. He may have some idea how to use the cubic gate.   Nym relays her message to the group and they decide to try to find the portal to Upper Lachis and go through it after a nice long rest. Unfortunately they only get a few minutes before Nicodemus throw 2/3 of his stones through the portal. Peeking his invisible head out, Zen asks for an update and Nicodemus tells him he's spotted some creatures moving thier way. Going off to investigate, Nicodemuc comes across 2 magmin who he unsuccessfuly tried to intimidate. Around the corner comes a Death Knight on a skeleton horse. After some banter, Nciodemus yells "Mephisto sucks!" and breaks his illusory rod of rulership. The Death Knight attempts to pick him up, but finds him incorporeal. He is however able to damage Nicodemus with some force blasts.   Seeing this, Zen informs the group what's going on. Most get ready to ambush if they cross the portal while Zen and Garus head through to take them on. Garus is able to keep the Knight from crossing the portal while he and Zen damage it significantly. Nicodemus is able to drop the dead horse's body on top of the knight to kill it off.   Agreeing that they still need a rest, but are wary of more patrols, Nicodemus decides to skulk around the caldera, not staying by the portal in case that draws attention to them. He'll just watch to see if anything goes near it and try to alert them from afar. After a couple close calls, the group is able to get some rest to replenish some of their skills. Some have potions of rest which allow them to get a long rest, others only get a short rest. They awake just in time to be alerted by 2 small Magim coming through the portal. Quickly killing them, they decide now is the opportune time to move towards the Upper Lachis portal.   GIving Flynn and Beth Ann some rations and tools, they exit the portal and destroy it from the SHadowfell side. Most of the group go invisible, while Garus and the owl scout stealithy. They are able to make it to the other portal where the area is much wetter and fungus riddden. They see a freshly worn trail but no obvious footprints. Zen peeks through and sees a pool of water in a vast cave on the other side. They part with Nicodemus, and he offers to contact Retta to tell her to meet them at the library in Upper Lachis.   Hoping for a break in their luck, they jump through the portal.

Rewards Granted

  • Death Knight: 2500 G, +1 longsword (500 G), +1 halberd (1000 G)
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Mithac Fezim
Garus Silenus
Nym Lenore
Report Date
26 Sep 2023