Coia: 40 - Librarians Are Always a Little Weird

General Summary

Crossing through the portal, we come to a large pool of water in a cavern, the walls of which are covered in a phosphorescent moss. As we begin to investigate the pool, a Magmin comes through the portal and attacks. We quickly dispatch it and start to work on destroying the portal from this side. Nym and Garus start beating the portal and as they do, the moss surrounding it wakes up and several eyes appear. There is an Alkilith surrounding the portal and it attacks the group, slithering around and attempting to inflict madness.   A death knight bounds through the portal and attacks the group. Unleashing a large fireball, it knocks out both Mithac and the Alkilith, but Nym is able to stun it, allowing the rest of the Vanguard to shoot it down. They finish destroying the portal and look for a way out.   Finding no walkable pathways, they notice that the water in the pool appears to drain somewhere. Sszarden sends down some lights while Garus dons a Cloak of Manta Ray and swims down. At the bottom of the pool they find some treasure which they pull up and clean off. They discovered an alchemy jug, a magical great sword, and a chest filled with 2800 G. Garus also noticed an opening where the water was getting sucked through. Having no where else to go, the group dives into the pool and heads through the hole.   After a brief rush of water, we are thrown into the open late summer air and land in a plunge pool below. We swim to shore and appear to be in an open field. Zen asks a daffodil where we are and it identifies us as being near Lake Stanskas. Nym recognizes from his youth travels with Abbott Dain as being about half a day's journey south of Upper Lachis. We travel north for a few hours before finding a nice farmer of whom we ask permissions to spend the night in his field, setting up a NutToButHut for the night. Before going to sleep, Yaldra checks in to let us know that not only do we have to destroy the portals, but we need to destroy whovere is behind this whole thing. Nym remembers the name Mephisto and that he's a super tall dark demon. She says she'll return to Candlekeep to research him. She told Lord Mandleroth that the portals were destoryed and that we last saw the Rod of Rulership in the Shadowfell. She's sending Retta to meet us at the library in Upper Lachis. tells us to travel as conspicuously as possible to meet her there.   The next morning, we get up and continue to Upper Lachis, arriving at the southern gate around noon. Entering through the Narrowood gates, we stop at the Jolly Mug for a drink and an overpriced hamsteak. The locals seem to not place much value on education and don't know that there even is a library. One thinks it might be in the forest near Longbridge and Lost Cross as that's where the nobles live.   We head north to Lost Cross and come up to a forest-like park in the middle of the city. Venturing in, we see a small cottage surrounded by a circles of trees with beautiful landscaping. Approaching the cottage, we knock at the scarab knocker on front door but receive no answer. Opening the door we find a long mahogany lined hallway that leads into a large room. Circles of tall bookcases 10 feet high with stairs to the top enclose the perimeter of the room. A mosaic ceiling features more scarabs and in the center, we see another cottage exactly like the one we're currently in. We make some noise to alert anyone to our presence and the front door of this cottage opens.   We cautiously enter to find a tall, skinny long haired alchemist working with some mortar and pestle. He introduces himself as Stephan Perry, the head librarian of the Illuminated Meadow Library. While this is definitely who Yaldra told us to see, he doesn't seem to know who she is, or anything about the portals. He does have an interest in interdimensional travel, and we reason that if we can get the cubic gate back here to him, he may be able to help us use it.

Rewards Granted

  • Death Knight: +1 Halberd (1000G), 2000 G, 200 P
  • Alkitih: 3 eyes of fine ruby gems (1000G each)
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Mithac Fezim
Garus Silenus
Nym Lenore
Report Date
02 Oct 2023