Coia: 45 - Three Doors Down

General Summary

Zen fires on the Relentless Slasher and Lucy is able to incapacitate him. In a fortunate turn of events, our entire group is able to line up around him ready to strike. Just as he awakens from his incapacitation our group unleashes hell on him before he had a chance to get away and we killed him. We moved his body back into the room he came from and took his +1 Slashing Knife.   Zen opens a second door in the dining and scouts out the room ahead and sees another creature (an Allip) in long flowing robes floating before another dais, similar to what he saw in the first door. There are shallow steps leading up to a frame of polished stone that looks like a mirror, although the creature casts no reflection.   Quietly creeping through the room, he sees a statue in the far corner that seems to be guarding the stairs up. He finds that this room connects with the room he saw from the first door. It’s one large room where they appear to be holding people in cages on racks who are near death’s door. The group forms a plan to take out the two creatures just as Mithac hears a dragging sound out in the hallway.  

Meanwhile, in other parts of the castle…

  Garus continues looking around the large room he’s in. He sneaks over to the far door and finds another portal. The archway is smooth and there are tracks indicating it’s been used recently, but it doesn’t appear to be active right now. The tracks are a mix of humanoid and animal.   He sneaks down a hallway that loops back around to the main gate. There are three doors across from the gate and a large status holding the doors of the gate shut. Sneaking back down the initial hallway he came in, he finally gets close enough to the group that Retta’s message and she instructs him to come through the crack and joins them in the dining room.  

All together now…

  Sszarden slams a table down in the dining room to cause the first Allip to float our way. Once it gets through the door, we attack en masse and Mithac lops its head off. We find an obsidian emblem on a chain worth 125G. Examining the dais, Retta determines that it’s used as a scry. Zen notices that the statue guarding the stairs seems to have changed its position.   We quickly kill the second Allip and note the poor state of the prisoners. Sszarden puts one of them out of its misery and Retta spends some time interrogating the newly deceased, pretty much to no avail.   We head back toward the status only to find it staring right at us. It attacks and after a rather quick battle, we destroy it. Heading up the stairs, we come across a small room with doors to the front, left, and right. There’s nothing in the room except a small brazier with some bloodstains, and a pile of ash in the corner.   As we enter each room, we can hear what sounds like lava flowing behind the walls. This sound always seems to stop once a door is opened. After some experimentation, a drop of Zen’s blood opens the front door, a drop of water opens the left, and bit of dust opens the right. We proceed forward.   In the next room we again see three doors, this time with a small table in the middle with a scale on it. A large red diamond is on one side of the scale. Again some experimenting, Zen’s hands on the other side open the right door, gold on the other side opens the left door. Looking through these doors, we see the same setup of doors and scales and figure our best bet tis ti continue down the path we’re on. After moving the diamond. a crash of lighting passes through the room. Garus runs downstairs and cuts the heart out of a prisoner below and brings it back up to place on the scale. The middle door opens and we proceed forward.   The next room has three doors with plaques above each. The left one reads “Death”, the right one is blank, and the forward one reads “Death” in Abyssal. Garus runs back downstairs to grab another prisoner in case we need a death. We speak Death in Abyssal and the forward one opens and we proceed into the next room which has a door at the far side and a statue of a man on a horse with one hand in his pocket and the other one outstretched. An inscription reads “As light and fire die, darkness is reborn”   We cast light on the hand and hear a mechanism behind the door move. We cast darkness on the hand and the front door opens. Inside we find a narrow hallway with a door in front. A large sigil is carved into the floor, it appears to be some kinds of demonic crest. We use mage hand to open the door and find a long staircase leading up, the walls smeared with blood and what look like fingernail scratches along the way.   We steel our resolve, and head up.