Coia: 46 - The Beginning of the End

General Summary

At the top of the stairs, we find ourselves in a large dark room with a domed roof 40-60 feet high. We can see four lava pits around the outer edges which emit a soft glow. In the center appears to be a raised platform that we can’t see over. Surrounding that platform are four pillars diagonal with four braziers which are emitting enough light to make out some shapes in this dim room.   Zen scouts out the left corner to find a Nabassu clinging to the upper corner. Garus proclaims “I can’t be killed” and leaps up to grapple the creature and shoves it off the wall. The Nabassu flies towards the far end of the room where Garus sees two more Nabassu leap off the pedestals and fly toward the back of the room, disappearing in the darkness.  

3 steamed Nabassu, 2 angry golems, and a Nightwalker in a Death Match

  As we enter the room, several of us hear a voice in our heads “So you are the ones destroying the portals. Return to me what is mine and I’ll let you join us painlessly.” As we hear this, two more Nabassu fly in from the back, accompanied by two more stone giants like we’d encountered below. The chest plates of the guardians have an engraving of the abyssal plain, and the Nabassu have amulets around their necks.   Garus runs further toward the back and sees another portal in the back of the room. He also spots our foe, the nightwalker. A massive creature standing about 20 feet tall, a red muscular body, hooves instead of feet, and a mask of a rams skull where its face should be. It points a finger at Garus and says “First, the dirty Fey” as it paralyzes him.   As Nym runs across the sigil in the center of the room, he feels a deathly chill upon stepping onto the sigil. He quickly backs off and warns the others not to step on the sigil. Zen lands some amazing shots against multiple enemies but is firing so quickly that he breaks the strings of his bow. Garus and Mithac are both knocked out. Sszarden summons a water elemental while the nightwalker summons a wraith near Nym.   Nym evades the wraith and runs over to destroy the portal, only to discover two cages flanking each side. Inside the one on his right is a barely recognizable Nicodemus, a shell of his former self. Nicodemus says “Something has changed; he has a hold over me, but he hasn’t hurt me.” In the left cage is a familiar looking young woman who cries out “Nym! Get me out of here!” He frees the woman and she runs to hide in the corner.
Coia Portal Campaign
Sszardan T'Sarran
Mithac Fezim
Garus Silenus
Nym Lenore
Report Date
13 Nov 2023