Emerald Jolt
This is another type of Jolt that is used mostly to power house, warehouses, large appliances power-systems.
This type of Jolt is one that has become over looked due to mid-range capabilities and few see a need as the other types have been common in practice to use.
Material Characteristics
It is green in colour that can be deep and clear to translucent in the middle, is found in large seams, and has perfect cleavage, a Sub-Conchoidal fracture or shelly look to it that allow it to be cut into blocks.
Physical & Chemical Properties
It often found with silica, and that seems to what encases it, though there are variations to it growth patterns, it is hard crystal like atoms, it was found when a electrical charge was applied, it caused the mineral to become energise and give of energy that can be tapped. The life of this is up about 65yrs. When this happens it produces a bit of warmth but it does not reach harmful. When the charge depletes, it looses the warm feeling, if another charge is applied it will last another 65yrs.
Geology & Geography
It is most commonly found in asteroids, though some rock planets have had it in the crust. The finding of this type of Jolt, has not been clear as what causes it to appear or makes the growth of it possible.
Origin & Source
Lots of speculation as to where, as there are no spaces on the parodic table, though found with silica deposits and seems to grow inside it, not much else has been solidly proven.
Life & Expiration
Stable, half-life of about 65yrs, refreshed up to 3 times
History & Usage
A space Mineral that was called by scientist Thrystal for it crystal like properties, though it wasn't a mineral ever seen on earth nor did it fit on the periodic table, but it was real enough. It proved the key to renewable energy, though at the time Earth was suffering ecosystem breakdown.
The hunt for more of the mineral saw them finding the different types, and this allowed it to be used in more devices, power-systems changes.
The mining of Thystal (Jolt) was at first controlled by a private company, Firestone Corporation
The establishing of what this type of Jolt could be applied to was carried out by @Questindustries a think tank that was contracted to study the space mineral and how it could be used. The Emerald or Green Jolt was found that it when triggered by applying of jolt of electricity to it, that it produce a energy that they worked to harness and found that it was stable, long lasting and
Everyday use
Emerald Jolt is the middle range of the energy level that Jolt produces, so if found in house hold with high power needs, warehouses, large machinery and some use in generators for a small town.
This is mostly used to power-systems small business, houses, large machines are the most common uses for this type of Jolt.
Cultural Significance and Usage
It is considered the main reason that survived, as it allowed them to travel the stars and move from the world they made uninhabitable.
Industrial Use
The dust from when cut is used in Cerom'c to give it a conductive property
It can be cut to various sizes, from blocks small to large, depending on what it is being used for.
It doesn't need refine, it was what made it so different and interesting to the scientist.
Manufacturing & Products
It is the power source for
Byproducts & Sideproducts
It is used in Cermo'c or in alloy to allow for power storage and use of power.
Environmental Impact
No, it seems to able to weather erosion with little to any derogation, so makes for a lasting
Reusability & Recycling
It is often ground up by the Confed's and used in Jolt-sap, they have also added it to cement or clay and found interesting properties with it even after the end of its life.
Trade & Market
The raw product is sold on open market and auctioned off. This was thought to be the fairest way for independent miners. if a large corporation does the mining, they often have governmental contract that they filling or for a corporation who needs large amounts for their products.
All Jolt is stored in crates or shipping containers.
Law & Regulation
Jolt Mining Authority
They regulate the industry, and have a board in ever Nation, they set the mining condition, the size of the cuts that it can be used in, they regulate the price of the raw product
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