Yuri Item in Colonised Human Space | World Anvil
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This the name of the currency for the Confederacy

They decided that to have actual money in the form of chips or round metal discs was a step backwards. This prompted a heavy debate in how to achieve a economic system where a price was need, as Bartering was not strong enough when dealing with a large society. The solution found was to develop a simple card that was your account, and just gave a name to the card, but values was established, which shifted from one card to another, with a bank able to follow and monitor all transactions. It need to be refined, and a value system to be designed, which many assumed was their 'money' rather than just values.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

It is has a large Mustard chip that has a record of all transactions made, it also has a name of the person etched on the font, it also has a strip on backside that allows for the writing and making of new transaction on the 'card' or Yuri.


Monetary, Trade, economics
Item type
Currency & Deeds
Subtype / Model
Used by
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization
Raw materials & Components
Cermo'c strip with the a Diamond Chip imbedded, with piece of Mustard with the transaction details

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