Atlantic High Sea Skirmishes Military Conflict in Colossal Fossils | World Anvil
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Atlantic High Sea Skirmishes

The Atlantic High Sea Skirmishes were a series of naval battles waged across the Atlantic Ocean between North America and Western Europe where the kaiju Yozore  began attacking United States  submarines and warships on April 7th, April 9th, and April 11th. The battles marked the fourth major occurrence of the Invasive Species Skirmishes.

The Conflict


During the days of Ancient Greece, a social schism from Athens and Sparta occurred due to civil unrest, and some of the greatest Greek architects and engineers were able to reverse engineer a downed extraterrestrial spacecraft into the moving underwater city of Atlantis. In their travels, they discovered a giant squid kaiju and were able to manipulate it with sonar pulses and adopted it as their guardian monster. They used it as a war beast in their battles against the surface world, believing the waters of Earth  were theirs to control. Just like the surface world, the Atlanteans had polluted and damaged the aquatic environments. The kaiju turned against its owners and sank the city to the bottom of the sea. The United States Navy had detected a strange signal underwater and witnessed the kaiju destroying Atlantis, and they subsequently engaged it in combat.


The first battle took place on April 7, 2020, with the engagement being led by Captain Richard Horatio Freeman, Captain Cooper M. Caldwell, and Captain Makoto Arisato. Naval forces had vastly underestimated the kaiju as their vessels dwarfed it in size, but its host of abilities, immense strength, and resistance to conventional weaponry quickly turned the tide. Even attack helicopters and fighter jets were shot out of the sky from its water gun ability. The USS Venture, the USS Wanderer, and the USS Tatsumi were all sunk in battle with few survivors. With the fleet in tatters, the kaiju was able to disappear into the ocean. Panic spread once the news reached the press, and many coastal cities on the Atlantic mobilized their forces for defense. Aid from Majestic , Brazil , and Canada  was sent to help the United States hunt down the kaiju.   The second battle occurred on April 9th, when the United States had managed to locate the kaiju as it neared Brazil. The Brazilian Navy engaged first but found themselves being outmatched. Reinforcements came with the arrival of United States naval forces, being led by Captain Ren Kurusu of the USS Setagaya. Though significantly better armed this time, the fleet was hemorrhaging greatly from Yozore's fury. They were able to buy the Brazilian fleet enough time to escape before the U.S. naval forces were destroyed. The kaiju escaped and left behind very few survivors. Brazil aided in rescue operations and salvage efforts.   The final battle occurred on April 11th on the outskirts of Greenland and Canada. United States naval forces had been aggressively hunting the kaiju and engaged in combat before the Royal Canadian Navy or Royal Danish Navy could assist. The fleet was led by Captain Souji Narukami of the USS Fuefuki. He had a close friendship with Captains Kurusu and Arisato, and he wanted vengeance for the kaiju almost killing them both. Despite being even larger, the United States fleet was ultimately decimated. The kaiju escaped deep into the sea before the other two fleets could arrive.


Yozore was hunted all across the Atlantic Ocean but never ventured past Brazil. For some reason, the creature had decided to settle in this specific region.


After such a catastrophic failure, the hunt for Yozore was ultimately called off, and all naval forces were recalled back to their countries' respective borders for defense. The kaiju - however - preferred the open ocean and stayed quite far from land. Few bodies could actually be recovered and sent home, as they had either sunk or been eaten by sharks or the kaiju itself. Both the Canadian and Danish governments chastised the United States for engaging the kaiju so recklessly before assistance could arrive. Three of the five major warships lost were named after cities in Japan , which was not a common occurrence in the navy. The loss of these symbols of diplomatic camaraderie was seen as a tragedy back in Japan.


Maritime shipping in the Atlantic drastically plummeted out of fear of the kaiju attacking them, and many routes either shifted to cargo planes or was rerouted to the Pacific Ocean. The global economy took a massive hit as a result, marking up one of many for the Americas. All naval fleets were ordered to only engage Yozore in self-defense, and Majestic was put in charge of studying the kaiju underwater via manned submarines or drones. So deep below the ocean, the kaiju was actually rather calm.

Historical Significance


The Battle of Sunnywood cost the lives of many, including Captain Cooper M. Caldwell himself. Despite being one of the few survivors, he ultimately died from his wounds on April 21st. Being a former pilot for both the United States Air Force and the Polish Air Force, his death was greatly mourned.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
April 7, 2020
Ending Date
April 11, 2020
Conflict Result


United States Navy

Led by


  • Submarines
  • Cruisers
  • Battleships
  • Fighter jets
  • Attack helicopters
  • Aircraft carriers
  • Destroyers


  • Many


  • Defeat the kaiju
Brazilian Navy

Led by


  • Submarines
  • Cruisers
  • Battleships
  • Fighter jets
  • Attack helicopters
  • Aircraft carriers
  • Frigates


  • Minimal


  • Defeat the kaiju
Royal Canadian Navy

Led by


  • Submarines
  • Fighter jets
  • Attack helicopters
  • Frigates


  • Minimal


  • Defeat the kaiju


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