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The Infinite Library


The Infinite Library is a phenomenon first documented in the year 341 A.W. and is a mystery up until today. It is thought to be a pocket dimension created by The Librarians, an ancient civilization that disappeared a thousands of years ago. There have been eight (8) entryways to The Infinite Library found all throughout the country of Concordia, all leading to the same place, a dimension of endless hallways full of bookshelves packed with books from top to bottom.

Even with the distance between each entrance, they all look very similar. At first glance they look like ruined libraries, but inside the buildings, after passing the main room, there is an entryway among the bookshelves. It is very easy to enter by accident, and the adventurers that go in rarely come back out.


People from all around Concordia have heard about The Infinite Library given the locations of the ruins. Everyone knows about someone, whether it be friends, family, or neighbors that have ventured in and never came back out. While many people tend to avoid The Libraries, there are a few that feel attracted to them. The demographics that are usually lost inside this dimension are thieves trying to get something out of it and adventurers trying to challenge themselves.

The citizens in the city of Magmouth however, tackle these libraries in search for answers. None of them dare to pass the entryways, but they do study the ruined libraries around them. Books left behind from thousands of years ago and magic constructs roaming around have been found. There has been new information discovered about ancient civilizations, and it is thought that there is more to be learned.

Cultural Reception

Whenever settlements are created, people are very careful to not be around these ruins. Common people don't know much about the ruins and think that by being near them they are in danger, and even knowledgeable people are wary of them cause of the unknown things that could come out at any time.
Date of First Recording
Year 341

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