the Fall of the Empire

The Last Age

2578 AC 2879 AC

The twilight of the Arnorian Empire

  • 2578 AC

    18 Hearthward

    The Lightbringer's Word
    Religious event

    One of the Lightbringer's Students, a Tabaxi named Milesoa, arrives in Dalmatia and begins preaching the gospel of her late mentor to all that will hear her. She eventually travels up the Imperial Road, through Ravenna and Davomar, even stopping to be hosted by the Dwarves for a few years, before eventually proceeding into Budan-Mar and setting up the White Pillar which would become one of the most important holy sites in all of Arn.

    Additional timelines
  • 2593 AC

    16 High Thane

    Orc's Arrive in the Northlands
    Population Migration / Travel

    The first Orc Clan from the North makes the perilous journey across the Sea of Ice to land in Faerlund. They are met, almost immediately, by hostility from the local Faer...   ...but the Orc's of Clan Whitehawk are quite used to dealing with Elves, and find these "Southerners" to be a much softer folk than their cousins in the True North. Nor are the Whitehawk the only clan to make the migration, as Orc Populations in the Northlands swell and pressure from their neighbors gets worse, more and more of these young warlike people make the trek to Southern Lands.

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  • 2597 AC

    28 Whitesoft

    Ascesion of Maxillius
    Political event

    Crown Prince Maxillius, on campaign with his Father when Emperor Diocetian perished, is proclaimed Emperor by his Father's Men in a raucous but somewhat impromptu ceremony.

  • 2598 AC

    The Faerlundian Campaign
    Military action

    Newly crowned Emperor, Maxillius parlays the victory that his father died for into an opportunity to push past the Empire's fortifications in Dacai, into Faerlund itself.   He was the last Emperor to do such.   Maxillius' campaign proved quite successful, even though he only expanded the borders of Dacai by a slight amount, proving the last significant victory against the Faer in their own territory. The Emperor's writings on the campaign also bear the first official mention of Orc's, whom Maxillius simply referred to as 'white-skinned snow folk whose like he'd never seen before', noting that a contingent of these brave yet barbarous warriors had assisted his Legions in their campaign.

  • 2600 AC

    16 Hearthward

    Rise of Docyen
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    In the aftermath of the Faerlundian Campaign, a previously lesser-known Khan by the name of Docyen challenges the previous Kha-Khan to stand up to the Gods for his failure. He emerges from the Ring of Tears victorious, with the title of Kha-Khan as his own,--  

    Leader of the Faer.
      --a lifetime of dreams rising before him, images of burning cities and the lamentations of his weak half-blood southern kin. It will soon be time, he knows, for these visions to be made real.

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  • 2617 AC

    27 Aughast

    Scattering of the Northern Clans
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Faer, finally annoyed at their new neighbors, marshal a force large enough to definitively crush Clan Whitehawk and their kin, dislodging the "Orc Infestation" from the small corner of Faerlund that they'd taken for themselves and sending the survivors scattering.   The larger potion head to the West, into Dacai, settling in the outskirts of the new territory claimed by Emperor Maxillius during his campaign. Some of the Legionnaires located there have faint memories of having served with some Orc Warriors, welcoming them, but the various Clans mostly remain somewhat isolated from their neighbors.   A somewhat smaller group head South, into the Tombrian Expanse, where they integrate with the various Hill People that dwell in the foothills and even make contact with some of the Goblin Tribes that hide in the region. By the time they realize why associating with Goblins is generally frowned upon, the Orc's already feel honorbound to defend their 'little friends' from their mad gods.

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  • 2623 AC

    31 Everchill
    2623 AC

    31 Whitesoft

    The Year of Offerings
    Life, Milestone

    Docyen and his personal guard journey to Faer itself, the ancestral capital of Faerlund and the only true city worthy of the name actually founded by the Steppe Elves themselves.   Once he arrives, the Kha-Khan ventures into the heart of the city to confer with his ancestors, eager to ascertain that the changing wind he scents is truly there and that his wishes are also the wishes of the divine lords of the steppe,-- that he will be the one to topple the Empire,-   He is not seen for three months.   When he emerges again, he speaks energetically of the coming time and how the Faer will finally teach their cousins the mistake that they made when they weakened their blood with that of humanity. How they will free Asha from her mortal prison and return her to the Heavens! How they will make the cities of the their ancient enemies bleed into the seas until even the oceans themselves turn red!   Only a week after his emergence, Docyen marries 13 elven maidens in a grand ceremony and shares his new wives with his khans--for they are blood of his blood-along with many other lavish gifts and offerings to further secure their loyalty. He holds mighty feasts for the entire city, hosts elaborate sacrifices for the priests, and rallies his people to such hearts of bloodlust that many believe that as soon as they celebrations end they will ride out to burn down the Empire.   Then, at the end of the year, he leaves as quietly as he came.   Only his wives remain behind, whispering to any that will listen that the time their Kha-Khan spoke of will be upon them at any moment and that they must make themselves ready. That they must prove themselves worthy of the honor that their King has put before them.

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  • 2624 AC

    4 Skaal
    2719 AC

    13 Hearthward

    War of the Clans
    Military action

    The Clans, tearing at the bit for something, kick off several skirmishes with just about anyone that they can lay their hands on. Khan's charge into cursed valleys, hunt down small pacts of Frost Giants, and even manage to kill a White Dragon, before-- eventually,- inevitably,- the Clans start to turn on the only truly worthy targets that they can find.   ...each other..   The War of Clans will turn into one of the bloodiest times in all of Faerlundian History, and claim more Elven Lives than any other single event. Every now and again, when it seems that hostilities are beginning to fade, Docyen himself would appear as if summoned and once again spur one clan or the other onward to further atrocity.

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  • 2634 AC

    19 High Thane

    Tombrian Sovereignty

    A rough coalition of Hill Tribes, Orcs, Goblins, Centaur, and even some Dwarves combines to turn the Tombrian Expanse into the Sovereign Nation of Tombria.   They elect a Half-Orc as their War Chief and set out to wage war against Faerlund to drive the Steppe Elves out of the lands that they hold as rightfully theirs. The fighting is brutal, and harsh, but in the end the Faer abandon the territory and begrudgingly accept their new neighbor.

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  • 2642 AC

    30 Brokenheart
    2642 AC

    21 Hearthward

    Orcs Attack!
    Military action

    The first major Orcish Horde in Arnorian History flows down the neck, into Budan-Mar, as several Orc Clans band together under a charismatic leader in hopes of establishing safe rangelands for their people in the prosperous lands to the South.   This isn't the first that the Empire has seen of Orc's, as smaller migrations had been happening over the course of the last century or so, but it was the first of the larger violent hordes. General mobility and the fierceness of their warriors sees them to initial success, razing numerous villages and towns and even breaking through the walls of Neeron and laddening themselves with pillage.   ...which is where the 7th Legion, out of Budan, found them..   Drunk, heavy with loot, and still "otherwise engaged," the Imperial Legion fell upon the Horde and almost finished the battle before it was over. None the less, the Horde managed to rally, one of the subordinate chieftans rallying his Clan and staging a brutal counterattack which allowed the rest of the warriors to regroup and turn the fight into a true battle.   In the end, however, the Horde scattered...   ...and the legion, licking it wounds, wondered how poorly that would have gone if they hadn't crashed upon a distracted force that wasn't expecting battle.

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  • 2708 AC

    9 Hearthward

    Birth of Aenestorian
    Life, Birth

    Anestorian Orven Gallain, of House Erevan, is born.

  • 2719 AC

    13 Hearthward

    Docyen is Revealed
    Life, Identity

    After one of the bloodiest battles of the War of the Clans, an Elven Ranger spots Docyen overlooking the battlefield and attempts to kill him just on raw impulse and boiled over rage at the bloodshed. Except, she doesn't,--   --instead, the Demon Prince, Graz'zt, reveals himself and kills every other survivor as they frantically throw themselves at him. Of the ~300 elves that had been at the battle, only the Ranger survives to tell the story.

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  • 2732 AC

    13 Hearthward

    Shattering of Tombrian
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Faerlundian's, no longer being goaded into killing each other by Graz'zt, finally decide to deal with the matter of their "new neighbor". The Tombrian's fight valiantly against the Elven Onslaught, but are ultimately defeated, many scattering down the Neck and into the lands of Budan-Mar.   ...this, in turn, causes yet more violence as the refugees find themselves engaged with Imperial Forces who have had to deal with a few "Orc Invasions" over the last century. This, however, was something different and proved much more effect. Several cities are sacked, the City of Mar is razed by the ground, and the refugees actually manage to cut down the first Legion that attempts to deal with them before deciding to head further South before they find themselves dealing with more Half-Elves.   Avoiding Ornat, more or less, the Tombrian's head straight into Davomar where they once again engage in some light pillaging before beginning to settle in the nicks and crannies of the Province. Most of the Goblins, in particular, end up branching off from the rest of the group and settling in Merovin...   ...infesting Merovin..

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  • 2791 AC

    17 Harvest

    Ascension of Aenestorian
    Political event

    At the age of 83, Aenestorian becomes the Emperor of the Arnorian Empire exactly one week following the death of his Father, Maxillius, in a ceremony marked by lavish extravagance and indulgence.

  • 2801 AC

    3 Stone

    Succession of Davomar
    Civil action

    Demeria, a regional power in Davomar, refuses pay taxes to the Empire and elects it's own independent officials in defiance of the official Provincial Government in Mournhall. Following this declaration, three other cities in the same region follow suit.   The Governor attempts to rally troops to put down the "rebellion", but a gradual lack of support from the capital has drained his armory and starved his provincial troops. Requests for assistance from the Capital are seemingly ignored and attempts to call in either the 11th or 19th Legion are actively rejected.   Eventually, rather than risking a war that he might lose, the Governor simply accepts the succession of the four cities from the Province, noting that he'll be withdrawling all "provincial support" from these "Free Cities" but well aware of how toothless a threat that is.   ...what 'support'..?   Even he can't get any support.

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  • 2850 AC

    27 Harvest

    Aetius Appointed Imperial Legate
    Life, Organisation Association

    Emperor Aenestorian appoints his favored general, and friend, Aetius, to a position of Imperial Legate as a reward for his participation in the war. He also grants his friend a sizable chunk of land in Dacai to settle his people, hoping that the hardy Half-Orc's will help protect against further Faelundian Aggression.

  • 2850 AC

    14 Stone

    The Briggyan Crisis

    While the Emperor is distracted in Dacai, officials back home begin to take advantage of dissent.   One, a charismatic Half-Elf by the name of Gallatyn claims that the Emperor has forfeited his sacred duty of stewardship by allowing a Half-Orc to serve as an Imperial Legate. This wins him much support by many traditional elements of the Legions and almost overnight he becomes a grave threat to the legitimacy of Aenestorian's reign.   Not long after, a Human Keeper by the name of Arboghast claims that the Celestian's line has long since lost any legitimate claim to divine sanction of their rule. Witness the events in Dacai, the unrest amongst his own legions, and most damning of all, the retreat and general silence of Cybilla. The outspoken Priest is soon endorsed by a few elements of the Briggyan Church and ends up at the core of a popular uprising that demands the Emperor's abdication.   Even before the Emperor is able to return from Dacai, Gallatyn and Arboghast begin to war against each other, Gallatyn correctly viewing the Priests' claim as counter to his own position as well, given the he is (in theory) heir to the same blood.

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  • 2871 AC

    7 Skaal

    The Battle of Middiyan
    Military action

    A hasty coalition of forces gather under the banner of Emperor Aenestorian and march on Middiyan, where the forces of the last of the Usurper's are fortified.   The battle initially goes poorly, and Aenestorian quits the field in seeming defeat.   While in his tent, rumor says that he was visited by a trio of Angels...   The next day, the power of his bloodline manifesting for the first time in his life, the Emperor inflicts a total rout in his enemies and oversees as his general, Aetius, beheads the last of the Usurpers on a charge of treason before roaring out a challenge to the remaining Generals that had followed him.   Aenestorian pardons those who are willing to kneel and pledge loyalty to the line of Celestian.   Those who refuse must face the Emperor's Champion in combat, and of the three generals who choose this option, none of them survive against the bloodlust of the enraged Half-Orc.

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  • 2879 AC

    21 Marches

    Death of Emperor Aenestorian
    Life, Death

    Emperor Aenestorian falls to a wasting disease at the end of a long life.

  • 2879 AC

    3 Hearthward

    Ascension of Aenorius
    Political event

    Aenorius ascends to his Father's throne, becoming the Emperor of the Arnorian Empire.

The Fall

2880 AC 3004 AC

  • 2880 AC

    19 Brokenheart

    Betrayal of his Blood
    Era beginning/end

    Following his Nephew's Ascension to the Throne, Sandallus-- the Emperor's brother,- leads a large force led by Aetius and several other tribal leaders to Merovin by way of Davomar. Sandallus' primary goal is to deal with a large force of Goblins that have been causing trouble in the region, which the Davomaran's had used as an excuse to succeed from the Empire, simultaneously dealing a threat to the Empire and bringing the Free Cities back into the fold.   Emperor Aenorius had no desire to go on campaign, being a somewhat timid child, and so his Uncle left him back at Capital. While Sandallus' was off on campaign, the Emperor's various advisors whispered in his ear of his Uncles' anger at being passed over for the Throne in favor of a child and issued renewed warnings against the Half-Orc "Barbarian" that had corrupted his Father. Warning that a powerful general, with a horde of Orc Barbarian's at his side, with the backing of one connected to the throne could be... dangerous..   The Emperor's Uncle managed to succeed in the first part of his campaign, and was resting in one of the "Free Cities" (negotiating with its leaders), when the Order came back that he was to return to the Capital forthwith. He was killed that very night, away from his men, while riding hard back to Northern Arn and the Capital.

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  • 2880 AC

    22 Brokenheart

    Aetius is Humbled

    Aetius finds his position of Imperial Legate stripped from him, an effort supported by the Emperor's seal and enacted from the highest level of Imperial Authority. Suddenly, his massive host is stuck in the middle of Davomar with no official sanction with all support cut off.   The Legate-turned-Warlord is also no longer, officially, in charge of his territories in Dacia assuming that he's able to get home in the first place. Attempts to resupply at Mournhall fail, resulting in the Half-Orc simply ordering his troops to take what they need for the March home...   ...a March that will, as it turns out, lead them past the Capital of Arn.

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  • 2880 AC

    6 Brightward
    2880 AC

    20 Whitesoft

    The First Sack of Arn
    Military action

    Attempts at negotiations fall through, to the point that while marching through Imperial Lands on the way home Aetius' host is assaulted by the 3rd Legion,-- a legion that he had, not all that long ago, been officially in charge of,- a fact that comes into play during the battle when a large number of the soldiers are more loyal to him than their newly minted Half-Elven Commanders.   Now in charge of an even larger force, Aetius simply decides that--
    --while on his way home,-
    he'll lay siege to Arn in exchange for the gold, supplies, and food that he's owned.   The siege lasts 6 months, largely because the Imperial House refuses to treat with him (other than sending the occasional Assassin). The Warlord's initial modest demands eventually give way to him simply deciding to starve the city out and attain it's unconditional surrender, afterwards allowing his host to sack it for three days, and then finally leaving with all that he'd asked for and more.   ...but not before he makes a few changes..

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  • 2880 AC

    20 Whitesoft 03:00

    Aenorius Deposed
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The Emperor is made a hostage of Aetius, to ensure that he'll make it the rest of the way home, and loses his position on the Throne in favor of a pretender appointed by the Half-Orc Warlord.

  • 2880 AC

    20 Whitesoft 12:00

    Ascension of Eannaus
    Political event

    The new Emperor is a 75 year old Half-Elf, only distantly related to the Imperial Line, who Aetius knew from his days in the Legion. A political outsider, Eannaus had high hopes of straightening out the situation in the Capital and bringing the Western Empire back to Glory.

  • 2891 AC

    21 High Thane
    2893 AC

    12 Skaal

    Rise of the Demon-King

    Genseric raises to a position as leader of a popular movement amongst Niocene's large Cath population, soon turning that general unrest into violent opposition to the rulers that had mistreated and oppressed the Tieflings of Skelles for millenia.   The actual war begins when Genseric's forces effectively take over the city of Gault, fortifying it and purging a fair portion of the Nobility (mostly those guilty of atrocity against native Cath). When the inevitable counterattack comes, the "Demon King" manages to push it back, at which point his momentum becomes basically unstoppable.   No few demons that had been hiding in Motlund join the Demon King's forces,-- no few of his followers making Pacts with such entities, even as the Demon King crushes them under his will, while others wield the Power of Shadow, and indeed, it even seems as if a newly arisen Dark Circle wields its power on behalf of the peoples' crusader.   The movement eventually manages to claim about half of Niocene, including the former capital, and is only stopped from expanding further to the North by fierce opposition from the until-then little known Sie'anth family.

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  • 2893 AC

    12 Skaal


    Some negotiations with the Dark Circle bring an end to hostilities in Northern Niocene, allowing the Demon King and the Motlundian's to comfortably split the continent between them.   This, in turn, allows the Demon King to position his forces to allay a counter-invasion of Imperial Troops from Northern Kepra and bring the overall revolution to an end. He has won; the Eastern Empire officially recognizes Cath'arak as a sovereign nation.   The Western Empire, of course, recognized no such thing...   ...but they were otherwise occupied.

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  • 3004 AC

    11 Skaal

    The Fall of Arn
    Military action

    Baelosh's Horde overwhelms the Imperial City of Arn, sacking and pillaging the city for 7-days and crowning himself the Western Emperor.

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After the Fall

3005 AC and beyond

  • 3011 AC

    1 Marches

    Grande Tournament
    Sporting Event / Competition

  • 3011 AC

    1 Marches 12:00

    The Golden Vault

    What will become the last "Imperial Company," the Golden Vault, is formed as part of the Grande Tournament hosted by the Duke Aetheril in Dalmatia.

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  • 3011 AC

    7 Brokenheart

    The Gnollpocalypse
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Underneath Madoril, the Yuan-ti perform a ritual that unleashes Gnolls upon the world. Spurred on by an until-then unimportant splinter religion of the Light, the Church of the Eternal Night, the Gnolls spread like wildfire throughout Dalmatia, Catharak, and eventually, into the rest of the Empire and beyond.

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  • 3011 AC

    18 Hearthward

    Assassination of the Emperor
    Life, Death

    The last "Emperor" of Arnoria, Julianias Neplos, is assassinated by a Goblin Assassin.

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  • 3011 AC

    19 Hearthward
    3011 AC

    21 Hearthward

    The Siege of Broden
    Military action

    The forces of the Underdark, long quiet, surge out of the Webbed Wood and lay siege to Broden.

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  • 3011 AC


    Idonian Reclamation
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Golden Vault defeats a nest of Vampires located under the sewers of Ravenna, freeing the lands of Idonia of an attempt to co-opt their land and corrupt its people.

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