Dillajai, The Grand Intoxicant

Risen God of Music, Art, Love, and Self-Expression

Titles: The Transcendent, The Grand Intoxicant, The Undefinable Artist, The Peacelord, The Lover, The Living Canvas, The Artist to the Gods   Roles: Create Artwork for the other Deities, Create/Paint/Sing about the universe and transcendence, Promote Love and Peace and Art, To Grow intoxicants/narcotics and illicit substances, Capture the Greatest Moments in the Universe On Canvas/Song/Etc   Favored Weapon: Sap   Alignment: Chaotic Good   Area of Worship/Followers: Artists, Singers, Writers, Those who love peace and harmony, Expressionists,   Main Temple and Location: None   Church Moniker: Church of the Intoxicant   Rival/Enemy/Unliked Gods: None, He loves them all   Obedience: Spend an hour consuming psychedelic or narcotic plants, drugs, or other substances while painting, singing, fornicating, or otherwise expressing yourself.   Obedience Effect: Gain a +4 to all saves made to resist mind affecting effects and Poisons both nonmagical and magical.

Divine Domains

Chaos, Good, Charm, Plant, Liberation

Holy Books & Codes

Dillajai has no Holy Book. Instead, "The Color of Transcendence" is an oft-repeated Phrase commonly believed to be a Painting, Song, or Art piece said to serve a similar purpose, speaking and offering wisdom to those who see, listen, or otherwise find and consume it. It appears differently to all who lay eyes on it.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Rainbow Canvas with a three-leaf plant on it

Tenets of Faith

Look past the exterior, and see the beauty of the soul. Don't judge others or objects based on what lies without.
Embrace Intoxication and Substance as the key to an open mind, and love everlasting. Educate others on such things where possible.
Let all the world be your canvas. Create freely no matter the medium, and always work towards the next masterpiece.
Love everything, even if it does not love you back. Solve matters with love and peace where possible, and oppose those who stifle others' creativity, passion, or self-expression everywhere they are found.
Let go of your inhibitions and your biases. Leave your restraints behind and leave every place lovelier than you found it.


Artists Day

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To see love, joy, and happiness spread throughout the planes.   To teach all creatures to let go of their inhibitions and restraints.   To teach the ways of art and creativity to all.
Life itself is the most vibrant of art, painted on the canvas of reality. By altering one's mind, this beauty can be seen, and the infinite wellspring of inspiration can be tapped into.
— Francesco Di'Molta Rivera, Grandmaster Sculptor
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Holy Animal
Frog, Sloth
Holy Colors
All colors of the rainbow(Usually at once)
Holy Number


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