Lilac, The Idolatress

Risen Goddess of Desire, Revenge, Idolatry, Beauty, and Temptation

Titles: The Idolatress, The Demon Prince of Pleasure, The Tideborn, The Eldritch Lover, Our Lady of Pain, The Scalequeen, Perfection's Herald   Favored Weapon: Whip   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral   Area of Worship/Followers: Rather notably for a Risen God, her faith is extremely widespread and can be found amongst nearly all strata of civilized AND monstrous society - taking root most commonly in those who yearn to indulge in the desires that lurk within their heart, those who place great emphasis on beauty, and any who yearn for revenge.   Main Temple and Location: The Carnal Gallery. The location of the Carnal Gallery is a conflicting and confusing thing - believed to somehow move or be extraplanar.   Church Moniker: Church of the Idolatress   Obedience: Spend an hour indulging in the deepest desires that lurk within your heart, especially those that those around you would typically scorn or deride you for - do so in private before an altar or prominent symbology to The Idolatress, calling out her name all the while. Once the hour is up, do not hide or attempt to clean up evidence of your activities and leave a small anonymous note nearby offering others who happen upon it to indulge as you have.   Effect: You cannot be affected by any effect that would change your form such as a polymorph/baleful polymorph spell unless you allow it, and can cast Enticing Adulation 1/day as an SLA with a CL equal to your HD. You are also capable of experiencing pleasure and reproducing as a member of your species even if you could not normally do so(Such as if you are an undead).

Divine Domains

Void, Charm, Healing, Chaos, Destruction(Torture Subdomain only)


Though the Church of the Idolatress is known to house many a powerful magical item or ritual, few are as feared nor enter the realm of what could be considered Artefacts moreso than the much-reviled Orgiastic Snapseed - a pulsing purple fruit grown from seeds harvested directly from The Idolatress's personal garden in her divine realm of eternal pleasure and desire. These seeds, collected and "grown" by the faithful in closely-guarded rituals via unknown means, soon mature in fully-grown fruits colored in riotous pinks and purples that ooze with lambent juices of desire within - and when broken or crushed against the ground, create a wave of orgiastic, ecstatic, pleasure-inducing energy that rushes outwards in a range measured in miles.   Once this wave of ecstatic energy is released, few things can truly stop it - washing over entire cities and countrysides and drowning the minds of all who are caught within its radius in a haze of primal desires and lust, all sentient and animalistic beings alike are rapidly stripped of their higher-order thought functions and reduced to their most basic and primal desires for hours or even days at a time. During this time, the affected, having been divested of their minds, rapidly descend into orgies of lust, gluttony, and any sin they hold most dearly in their heart as they seek only to satisfy the repressed urges that have lain dormant within them during their lives. Widely feared as the seeds to fell cities, these fearsome artifacts, while not the mightiest weapons in The Idolatress's arsenal, are some of the most widely known and reviled.

Holy Books & Codes

The Silken Tapestry

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Heart Wrapped in barbed wire

Tenets of Faith

Embrace your desires. Pursue your desires and do not deny them, for true beauty lies in the acceptance of one's nature.
Indulge and Enjoy. The greatest this world has to offer cannot be enjoyed by those who live by the fallacy of moderation.
The only law is lust. Always strive to do only that which you yearn to do and that which you relish and enjoy - anything less is a crime against your very nature.
Sow the beautiful seeds. Guide others to the beautiful truths of desire that lurk within their souls and show the beauty of the world without the facades and lies that mask it.
Beauty begets worship. Kneel at the alter of the beautiful and worship at the feet of perfection - there is nothing more divine in all the realms than beauty and its admiration.
Tolerate no slight. You are beautiful, and beauty is divinity - and no divine shall tolerate slights against them. Enact a slow, careful, and humiliating retribution on all who wrong you and encourage others to do the same.


The Carnal Carnival

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Teach all to embrace and accept their own dark pleasures or desires.   Teach all creatures to cherish and embrace the ways of beauty and passion in all they do.   To help all creatures reach physical perfection, so their souls may become perfect to match.


Muzaka, The Wulflord

Adorable Plaything (Important)

Towards Lilac, The Idolatress



Lilac, The Idolatress

A woman to stay away from (Important)

Towards Muzaka, The Wulflord




One of the few Divine Goddesses that he does not try to actively woo or romance, Lilac is the only Goddess that he tends to stay away from and keep at arm's reach. The two were said to be acquainted during their times as mortals before their ascensions into Godhood, and Lilac is said to have been one of the few people to best The Wulflord during his life...albeit, by means of using his own immense hedonism and lust against him.   Said to have beaten The Wulflord and warped his mind to her own ends for a short time when they were mortals that led to her forcing him to commit several heinous deeds in her name, Lilac thinks The Wulflord an adorable puppy whose reactions to her lustful tauntings far too enjoyable to ever stop...she enjoys toying with him, and enjoys his clear and obvious wariness and desire to avoid her.   Muzaka now, as a Risen God, refuses to associate with Lilac and, unless pressured by some great event or need, often avoids her in pitifully bad attempts to look busy elsewhere. He is famously wary of her and her "dishonorable ways", and dislikes engaging with her for fear of being her toy again with what he sees as means that are somewhat beyond his comprehension. He knows her as a trickster, manipulator, and master controller of others, something that he is well aware is an area he is not well versed with, and thus avoids her to maintain both his dignity and pride.   This relationship is reflected in their followers, as the Wulven and followers of Muzaka often make a point to avoid clerics and faithful of Lilac where possible, being wary of them and recognizing them as the Seductive and Chaotic Tricksters they often are, and people not to be fully trusted or associated with.

What is a god if not something others pray to, venerate, and wish to be themselves? The beautiful are all of that and more, so what is beauty, if not godhood?
— Miyuki Hanabi, Idol of The Imperium
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Holy Animal
Rabbit, Goat
Holy Colors
Pink, Lavender
Holy Number


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