Sandlotus Lodge

The group of freedom fighters who constantly work to oppose tyranny


Much like The Four-Clover Lodge, The Sandlotus Lodge is organized of innumerable independent cells that are each led by a figure who holds the title of "Unseen Watcher", leading the Lodgemates who make up the majority of each cell's members. Through this Unseen Watcher, each cell maintains contact to the larger Sandlotus Lodge through means of a shadowy figure referred to only by the codename "Fulcrum". Unlike The Four-Clover Lodge, who has dozens of "Ciphers" that maintain contact with each of the cells across Ea, there is believed to be only one Fulcrum that exists at any given time...and while this lends The Sandlotus Lodge a higher degree of security, it also lends them a greater weakness.   Above the Fulcrum are figures known only by the mysterious epithets "Chainbreaker", who are the leading figures of the Lodge who rule over numerous cells and are rumored to form some form of council or loose alliance to lead the organization...unlike their rivals The Four-Clover Lodge, they are not believed to have a central ruling figure.

Public Agenda

The Sandlotus Lodge is obsessed with the goal of freeing all life from tyranny, oppression, slavery, and control in all forms...and even if they have to take occasional drastic measures, such is acceptable if it means freedom for the oppressed.   Unlike their enemies The Four-Clover Lodge, they recruit from all walks of life and all ethnicities, and accept any so long as they hold a shared desire for freedom.


Unlike the well-funded The Four-Clover Lodge, The Sandlotus Lodge is truly a hodgepodge, loosely aligned group of rebels who have little in the way of assets to call their own. The lodge's various cells fund and equip themselves with gear stolen from other tyrannical groups and keep themselves staffed by recruiting the disillusioned and outcasts who seek to defect from brutal and oppressive groups such as The Four-Clover Lodge or The Kingdom of Aslaga.   Even the highest Echelons of the group are not believed to have much in the way of resources, and though they are believed to have a few key contacts around Ea, they use these contacts only to resupply their cells sporadically, often with handed down items and equipment, and second or third rate items and supplies...this is mostly due to a majority of groups and organizations not wishing to associate with such a ragtag rebel insurgency, even if their cause might be freedom, for fear of lessening their social standing or provoking the ire of rival countries or organizations such as The Four-Clover Lodge.   This lends the group a much more genuine feeling than their rival The Four-Clover Lodge, for everything they have, they must retrieve and defend themselves...everything they have is close to breaking down and falling apart, and they have almost nothing new...only the shared ideal of freedom keeps them going.


The Sandlotus Lodge was formed long ago, during The Age of Heroes, in direct response to the formation of The Four-Clover Lodge...founded by outcasts from that brutal group and Desert Elves who wished to enact a more permanent change in the world, the Lodge was formed by these ragtag creatures with the shared goal of opposing oppression and tyranny of groups such as The Four-Clover Lodge on all fronts, and giving all creatures something to hope for.

One spark can start an inferno

Founding Date
985 AF
Illicit, Rebel
Alternative Names
The Lotus Alliance, The Lotus


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