Desert Elf

The hardy Elves of the Desert, thriving in their recovered homeland

Base Racial Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: (+2 Intelligence, +2 Constitution): Desert Elves, born and raised in the harsh expanse of the Wasting Sea, are both keen of mind and sound of body as a result of their harsh upbringing.   Size: Desert Elves are medium sized creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.   Type: Desert Elves are creatures of the Humanoid type and the elf subtype.   Speed: Desert Elves have a base land speed of 30 feet.   Vision: Desert Elves, lacking the low-light vision of their kin, instead possess a unique ocular mechanism that allows them to see through sandstorms, fog clouds, and other similar visual obstructions out to their normal range of vision and preventing them from taking penalties in similar conditions of heavy weather such as sandstorms or blizzards.   Languages: Desert Elves begin play speaking Elven and Common. Desert Elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Necril, Undercommon, Terran, Dwarven, Celestial, Aklo, Infernal, and Abyssal. See the Linguistics skill page and Languages Unique to Ea for more information about these languages.   Desert Elven Immunities: Desert Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and can go three times as long as normal without food and/or water before suffering the effects of starvation and dehydration. Additionally, they gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against necromancy spells and effects.   The Desert's Finest: Desert Elves survive in the worst desert conditions by no mere chance - they do so because they alone have evolved to do so in the best ways possible. Desert Elves gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception, Survival, and Stealth skill checks and gain two of them(Player Choice) as Class Skills. These bonuses double while in Desert Terrain.   Hyperefficient Clotting: Desert Elven bodies, evolved to preserve their moisture at all costs, are immune to bleed damage and automatically stabilize when reduced below 0HP as their bodies clot wounds almost instantly to prevent moisture loss.   Sandstriding: Their bodies adapted to cause as little disturbance in their surrounding environment as possible, Desert Elves walk and run in such a way that they are undetectable via tremorsense and remain wholly unaffected by non-magical difficult terrain - and even remain unaffected by magically created difficult terrain so long as it relates to sand or desert environments(Such as the Shifting Sands spell).   Swarm's Blessing: Their bodies infested by poorly understood creatures known to the Desert Elves as "Wrryshm"(or 'Ghost Bugs') in a rite performed shortly after their birth, Desert Elves have the uncanny ability to use their blood to fuel their spellcasting - Desert Elves can use the Blood Money spell as an at-will Extraordinary ability. This effect, unlike Blood Money, allows for the STR damage caused by the spell to be worth 1,000GP per point taken instead of the 500GP as is usual. Desert Elves can forgo this trait as a standard action to target themselves with a Resurgent Transformation Effect(Also Extraordinary) using their HD as the CL for the effect, but doing so prevents this racial trait from working for 24 hours.   Wasting Wyrd: Desert Elves are rather notorious for their odd, shamanistic ability to mold and sculpt sand itself - Desert Elves are not only capable of manipulating and controlling sand to a varying level corresponding to their HD, but can use true sand taken from the deserts of their homeland to achieve a variety of creative divinatory effects that often appear adjacent to magic. These effects are always supernatural in nature, and can range from attempting to commune with the sand to identify those who have passed within the area recently to identifying the properties of magic items the sand is sprinkled atop. Sand from any other source besides their home desert can also be used for this ability, but is a great deal less effective. Repeated uses of this ability may exhaust the Desert Elf in question.   Travelers of the Branches: Having been reunited with their homeland and the mighty World Tree that once protected it, Desert Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance and cannot arrive off-target for Plane Shift, Teleport, and similar spells. Additionally, they can as a swift action vanish from their square and reappear in an unoccupied square within 30ft as per dimension door. This is a supernatural ability, and does not provoke AoO. Any effect or condition that prevents them from moving also blocks them from using this ability. Finally, this ability rises in power exponentially when it is used while the Desert Elf is in contact with Worldbark - the larger the source consumed when this ability is used, the greater the distance that can be traveled or the effect that can be generated(Rising to even allow teleportation or plane shifting with sufficient Worldbark). This ability reaches its zenith when used while in physical contact with the World Tree. While the exact distances granted by consuming Worldbark vary at GM's discretion, in general a single fist-sized chunk of average purity Worldbark, when consumed for this ability, will empower it to function as a full dimension door effect.

Basic Information


Desert Elves, like most humanoids, have two arms and two legs attached to a central torso, with a head located atop the torso. Contrary to their forest-dwelling kin, Desert Elves have more muscle mass and thicker bone structure, their bodies built more hardily to endure the harsh desert environment. Their bones and musculature are built of sturdier stuff, and are altogether designed to allow for longer and more intensive physical activity as well as allowing them to endure greater damage before their bodies give out on them, in stark contrast to the more flighty and dainty bodies of the Forest Elves.   Additionally, Desert Elven bodies are unique in that they are designed biologically to retain moisture and handle bodily heat at much more efficient rates than other races, as their bodies have a much higher tolerance for heat before they begin to sweat to reduce the bodily temperature. Instead, Desert Elven skin is uniquely designed biologically to deflect a majority of incoming heat at the surface level, reflecting the majority of rays of the sun and other sources of heat off of the skin and away from the body while simultaneously keeping a similar majority of heat from exiting through the skin. In this way, their bodily moisture is kept inside of them and their internal temperature is kept relatively stable within all but the most extreme of locales. When the environment becomes so unbearably extremely hot that their advanced biological makeup cannot sustain their stable internal temperature and moisture, their bodies begin to vent the excess heat through extremely efficient biological "vents", causing them to begin to sweat and give off a large amount of radiant heat.

Biological Traits

Desert Elven hair can vary in color, but generally tends to land on the lighter side of the spectrum such as White, Grey, Silver, and so on. Likewise, their skin and facial features can vary between individuals, and while their skin is naturally inclined towards darker tones, the level of darkness can vary as well from a dark, dark eastern tan to almost black while their facial features are generally smooth and eastern in appearance, with long and elegant features cut with gritty, chiseled traces that set them apart from their Forest Elven kin.

Genetics and Reproduction

Desert Elves, like most all Elves, are incredibly asexual beings and while they are capable of feeling pleasure and the emotions that are normally associated with reproduction and sex in other races like humans, they almost never have sex and reproduce for the mere act of doing so. They have almost no sex drive and care little about such things, and generally only reproduce when they feel the need to continue their species, not for any simple act of pleasure or emotion.   Adding onto their low sex drives, Desert Elves, like most all elves, simply do not conceive in the same way as other races do - for a Desert Elf to come down with child, they have to make a conscious decision to do so and ingest a special natural and herbal remedial concoction designed to stimulate their bodies to allow for reliable conception. So when the times demand it or when they feel the need, Elves gather together with their chosen mates and decide to have children, but otherwise they are mostly incapable of having children otherwise...however, this also explains the origins of Half-Elves, as many Elves often fancy relationships with humans but rarely stop to consider the consequences of an unplanned spontaneous pregnancy without the influence of their herbal concoctions...without them, a full elf cannot be born and a half-elf is the result.   When Elven Females come down with children, they carry the children inside of them for between a year to a year and a half, after which the child is born shortly thereafter.

Growth Rate & Stages

Desert Elves, unlike the Forest Elves, quickly grow to maturation once born and on average, reach adulthood by the age of 25, after which their biological processes slow down to normal Elven levels. Once they hit adulthood around age 25, Desert Elves generally reach middle age around age 500, become old around age 750, and reach venerable around the ancient age of 1,000, at which point they die not long after.   Desert Elves often possess a strong, burning curiosity that drives them to leave their homes and go off on adventures to the forgotten corners of the Material Plane and beyond. As an Adult, Desert Elves love exploring the world around them and taking advantage of their long lives to go places none else had, and to go and catalog forgotten lore and knowledge lost for a race, they tend to be adventurous and curious, and often love ranging far afield from their home on expeditions(often so with a group of close friends and allies).   As they age, Desert Elves return to their homes and, as they had explored and pioneered far afield in Adulthood, generally begin to pioneer and advance the homefront through teaching, training, and overall helping their peers or juniors.

Ecology and Habitats

Desert Elves, true to their name, are creature adapted and born for life in the all but the harshest of hot and desert conditions...though they now reside in dark caves and distant locales. When they lived out in the world at large, Desert Elves were generally creature that lived in tune and in unity with the natural world as their Elven Heritage influences them to do so, and often were creatures that shunned and disliked those races and cultures who expanded and advanced their civilizations at the expense of the natural world.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Desert Elves are omnivores, and are often avid hunters and gatherers that range the lands around their homeland in search of prey they will often use for food. When they go out to hunt, they often do so in carefully curated and specialized teams that are perfectly selected to achieve the task at hand.

Biological Cycle

Thanks to the terrible tragedy known as The Sundering which saw them lose their home and unity as a people, Desert Elven biologically was irrevocably changed from the rampant energies of that terrible cataclysm which destroyed their a result, their lifespans are shorter than their Forest Elven kin by several hundred years.   As they age, Desert Elves find their skin growing more and more wrinkly, their hair beginning to turn white, and their bodies becoming weaker and weaker as they grow older.

Additional Information

Social Structure

In the days of yore, Desert Elven society was highly lawful and militaristic, with the entire Desert Elven social structure dominated and controlled from top to bottom by their armies and the military. At the top of Desert Elven society was a King, or Grand General, who governed over his people and his territories and guided them in their day to day lives, ruling over the armies and every strata of society to ensure that all work that is being done is done to provide some benefit to the whole.   From birth, all Desert Elves were trained in the ways of combat and battle in ways that could be said to have bordered on cruelty...tossed out into the grueling desert wilderness to prove themselves once they had barely turned teenagers, Desert Elves lived or died according to their own merits from birth, with any physical or mental weakness being considered undesirable and often led to the children in question being at best raised as outcasts and misfits and at worst being exiled completely from society out into the desert wastes.   Desert Elves were rarely familiar with their parents, as once they reached 7 or 8 years of age they were separated from their parents and given over to the military, where they were raised and trained to become powerful warriors. It is also within the military that they were combed for any special talents such as magical aptitude, at which point they were given to different branches of the military to be trained and raised by the appropriately talented units.   As a result of this militaristic upbringing, Desert Elves often considered their family to be the unit they were raised in and that they were trained in, and it was not uncommon for these units to stay fast friends far, far into their lives. As they grew up Desert Elves all served a mandatory 100 years of military service once they came of age, after which they were free to return home and pursue whatever hobbies or crafts that they wished...however, Desert Elves never truly left their military service, and even the mages, explorers, or politicians of their society were considered to be, at most, extended and/or inactive members of the military.   There were many branches to Desert Elven Society as a result, such as magic colleges, explorer's societies, political houses and more, but each were tempered and ruled by the military and served a rigid purpose to provide some good or contribution to the whole of society. Governed by the King at the top and his advisers, Desert Elven society was myriad and numerous with its branches and organization, but were rigidly adherent to the law of the military and the betterment of the whole.   So powerful and influential was the society of the Desert Elves, with its rigid and militaristic doctrines that allowed its citizens to pursue their own interests yet still made unified them beneath a common banner of service that even after their destruction a thousand years later they have influenced other societies all over the world, such as the cruel Hobgoblin nation of Dhacruz, who modeled their rigid society after the Desert Elves, and even the Dwarves of the Dwarven Peaks, who took their rigid notions of mandatory military service and implemented them into their own society.   Though these customs once depreciated with the loss of their homeland, these social structures and customs have begun to make a return as they have begun to repopulate across Corexus and beyond.

Facial characteristics

Desert Elven facial features lack much of the traditional Elven ephemeral beauty, and while they do retain a small portion of the trademark beauty inherent to their people it is overshadowed by harsh and brutal features, their faces containing both smooth elegance and cutting brutality.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Desert Elves, though once found exclusively the underground cavern systems of the deserts of Corexus and Beyond, have begun to slowly repopulate with the return of their homeland and now, with the blessing of the World Tree in which they now reside can often be found across Corexus and Beyond on various missions and explorations - but remain most populous within the deserts of Corexus.

Average Intelligence

Desert Elves are naturally a cut above other races in terms of intelligence, thanks to burning curiosity and desire to explore and learn driving them to accumulate a truly splendid amount of knowledge within their home of yore before it was destroyed in The Sundering.   Desert Elven minds are complex and advanced, and their innate curiosity is supported by a mind that is highly intelligent and advanced even when compared to other sentient races such as Humans, and moreso than any other race their minds are flexible and adaptable, which allows them to maintain their sanity for longer when exposed to the alien and the eldritch secrets that dwell within the corners of the world and beyond the Dark Tapestry. Their minds are capable of astounding leaps of logic and reason, and when presented with obscure facts or dangerous eldritch knowledge their minds expertly handle and categorize it.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Thanks to their Elven Heritage as well as their long-lives lived since the fall of their home within the boundaries of their hidden cavern home, Desert Elves can see twice as far as normal in conditions of low-light. Additionally, their eyes are intrinsically adapted to the harsh conditions of their desert home, and their eyes automatically adapt and allow for normal vision even in incredibly harsh weather conditions such as sandstorms or blizzards.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Unlike their Woodland kin, the Desert Elven names are more normal in comparison, influenced slightly by eastern/Middle-Eastern naming sense due to their desert home, but also influenced heavily by traditional elven naming conventions of beautiful, yet practical names that better reflect their more grounded natures.   Male: Ajaxis, Jyoti, Vespis, Kalkan, Etherious, Ghuptrix, Astasi, Tallarn, etc...   Female: Amrune, Darlara, Faunra, Jathal, Merisiel, Opral, Soumral, Tessara, Yalandra, etc...

Beauty Ideals

Much like their ancestors and even their woodland kin they despise, Desert Elves find beauty in elegance, grace, and harmony...however, unlike any other Elven people, they are wholly unique in their belief that these ideals alone are fragile things, fit only for woodland recluses or ancient ancestors, and are unfit for the sensibilities of a warrior. Instead, Desert Elves believe in the beauty of elegance tempered by practicality, grace refined by lethal efficiency, and harmony maintained and kept through strength both within and without. They are a warrior people, and though they enjoy beautiful things and elegant aesthetics, such things they construct or admire invariable serve some practical purpose: A blade might be fantastically well-crafted and inlaid with precious gems and metals, but only because it lends to the elegance of the dance of death done by the Elf who wields such a wonderful blade. In this way, their architecture and craftsmanship might outwardly resemble that done by their ancestors or kin, but upon closer inspection such things

Gender Ideals

Desert Elves, more so than their woodland kin or even their ancestors, have highly exacting and almost spartan-esque standards for males and females within their society. First and Foremost, at the core of both Male and Female Ideals is the notion that both should be capable of great acts of violence, but simultaneously capable of tempering that violence through obedience to law and to established doctrines. Both males and female ideals revolve around possessing the attributes of a warrior, and give no sway or leniency to either sex, expecting both to be capable of doing whatever the other can do. However, this is where the similarities between the Gender Ideals end.   Desert Elven Males were expected to be warriors to the core, and were expected and trained from a young age to meet the ideal of a hardy, physically fit man who could withstand the rigor of the battlefield and of life. They were expected to be strong, courageous, curious, and loyal, and were expected to shoulder the burdens of their family, their unit, and their country or kin without hesitation nor complaint. To the Desert Elves, even if a man should wish to pursue magecraft or another irregular craft, a powerful body would serve them just as well as it would a hardened warrior. However, they were also expected to be vocal and capable of teamwork, as well as working together with their unit and their countrymen. Being a loner or a lone-wolf was seen as straying from the ideal, and was discouraged.   Desert Elven Females were expected to be athletic, fit, and hardened warrior material, and were often trained from a similar young age as the men to become hardy and strong. Becoming strong in this way, it was believed, led to strong women who would invariably produce even stronger and more viable children once they came of age and maturity. Females were expected to marry and have children, but unlike many other societies they were given allowance to wait to do so until they were old enough to enjoy marriage and choose their own partner...they were not wed off forcefully once they came of age, and instead were free to couple as they pleased. They were expected to serve in the military alongside the men, but were also expected to manage the homefront while their husbands or partners were away, and as such females often became well-versed in handling finances, land, and politics.

Courtship Ideals

Desert Elven courtship was arranged to a small degree in that female were highly encouraged to seek out and find a partner once they came of age and maturity, but aside from this pressure male and females were free to court as they pleased. Desert Elven courtship often involved long, lengthy excursions onto the battlefield to fight alongside each other as warriors, explorations into lands far afield and lands unknown to kindle a shared explorer's spirit, and a myriad of other travels that couples often undertook to better get to get know another better. Desert Elven Courtship was a lengthy thing, borne out of mutual respect or admiration, and that continued for often many years on shared excursions into battle or exploration while the two partners kindled feelings for one another along the way.

Relationship Ideals

First and foremost, the ideal Desert Elven relationship is one that produces healthy, hardy, and viable offspring. This notion sits and the core of all Desert Elven tradition and belief, and is often the first thing most couples think to do once they enter a relationship. Otherwise, an ideal Desert Elven relationship is often one that matches two partners together that have 'ideal' traits to combine with one, a man renowned for his combat prowess but perhaps lacking in wisdom would find an ideal relationship with a woman known for her mighty spellcasting prowess and intellect.   The ideal relationship to Desert Elves was one between two partners who counterbalanced each other, and who both possessed traits that, when combined into a child, would produce a very valuable offspring. Personal enjoyment was treasured, but was sometimes put second to this 'ideal pairing'...however, once a relationship was established, it was expected that it should last until one of the two partners dies.

Common Dress Code

Desert Elves prefer to dress themselves in lightly colored robes and cloths, and often had large and wide-brimmed hats to shield themselves from the piercing desert sun. Armor was light and form-fitting, and they preferred pragmatic, simple forms of dress to showy, flashy, or elaborate pieces.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The most iconic and legendary Desert Elven tradition saw children of often no older than 11 or 13 abandoned by their parents out in the desert wilderness with nothing but a small cloth wrapping for clothing and a simple spear...given a simple command to "find their way home" through what was often days of brutal, blistering, and unforgiving terrain, this process proved lethal to many who were put through it...but, to those who survived and found their way home, they were forged into hardy survivalists who could endure in even the harshest climates, and were forged into material worthy of being broken upon the anvil of the Desert Elven military training.

Common Taboos

Nothing was more taboo to a Desert Elf than isolationism, or seeing oneself as a 'Lone Wolf'. Born partially out of their hatred of their woodland kin but also out of the simple fact that loners, in Desert Elven Society, were dangerous beings that threatened the unified stability of the whole, the Desert Elves thus found this mindset to be incredibly they similarly reacted to stagnancy or refusal of progress.   Ironically, considering the state of the modern-day Desert Elves, they have now embraced what they once found so taboo.


Long ago, as Gail-Idhren and his High Elves faded into memory and slowly drifted out of the Material Plane and into realms unknown, the children they left behind in the sprawling heartlands founded by Gail-Idhren himself after his mythical flight from the damned Black City of El'Adri would soon grow into the Desert Elves and the Forest Elves. As these infant lesser Elves grew to maturity the two races initially met each other with traditional Elven grace and wisdom, and for a time all was peaceful, if not a small bit tense between the two sibling races...though they were born from different wombs and came to maturity in vastly different climates and even looked and acted quite differently, it was easy for the two races to recognize each other as fellow children of their ancestors and get along despite their differences.   Thus, in the days of yore, Desert and Forest Elves alike lived together within the confines of The Elvenwood, the primeval, ancient wood sprouted from the very ground by their ancestors themselves where each tree is, if legends are to be believed, a long-dead high elf who did not survive the flight of yore from their doomed home city of El'Adri. As the centuries passed into Eons and the two races continued to live in harmony within the confines of the Elvenwood, the Desert Elves, who had long since lived both within The Elvenwood and alongside the inhabitants of the southern deserts of Ea, began to grow distant from their Forest-Dwelling cousins as the two races began to diverge more and more from one another. Despising their Forest-Dwelling Kin as flighty, indecisive weaklings who would sit on their hands until the world came to an end while the Forest Elves in kind came to despise their more arid-dwelling Kin as Militaristic, Brutal Warlords who all but abandoned the traditional Elven notions of decency and grace, the two child races of Gail-Idhren and the High Elves soon began to deeply despise one another with a burning resentment borne from eons of shared living within the confines of the same locale.   This rivalry, for a time, contented itself to remain in the form of small bickering and occasional bouts of inter-Elven conflict...but it was not until the Age of High Humanity that some glimmer of hope shone through for these two sibling races. Uniting out of desperation to fight off the advance of the Scalequeen and her infinite hordes of High Lamia, Elves of all cultures and kinds stood together, united, fighting viciously for the survival of their very species...and while they were initially incredibly successful at defending their ancestral forest homeland, the Elven Alliance was doomed to fall after High Humans all but abandoned the surface world to its fate. Crushed beneath the coils of the High Lamia, Elves of all kinds were shackled and turned into meager snacks and meals for their new overlords...and for centuries and even nearly a millennia, Elves lived as slaves and meals for their new brutal Queens who crushed and devoured them according to their sick and twisted whims.   Though they soon broke free of the yoke of the High Lamia as the races of the world united against them, it was not until the Aftermath of the Fall of High Humanity that the two races would once again fall to bickering and mutual hatred. In the aftermath of the Age which saw the world decimated many times over, the Forest Elves collectively decided to retreat from the affairs of the mortal world and live in isolation and seclusion within the confines of The Elvenwood, far removed from the affairs of the mortal world. The Desert Elves despised this decision and saw it as nothing more than weakness, and as taking the easy way out and refusing to help solve the problems the world now faced as it descended into barbarism...while conversely the Forest Elves saw the burning desire of the Desert Elves to assist the world with its problems to be naught but one of the causes for the world's problems in the Age of High them, Elves should never have meddled in the affairs of the outside world, and doing so was what invariably led to their enslavement.   Finally, as the two sibling races grew to hate each other once more, their mutual hatred grew so great that neither could stomach the presence of the other...and finally, Desert and Forest Elves had a schism, separating for good and going their separate ways...the Forest Elves stayed within the Elvenwood as hermits and recluses, and the Desert Elves finally settled fully in their ancestral desert home as the God Gregaia took pity on the now homeless Desert Elves and gifted them The World Tree, a titanic divine tree that would serve as the Desert Elven Home for Generations. It would not be until the events of The Sundering many millennia later that the Desert Elves would lose this home as well, and be cast out into the desert as a nearly extinct and dying people.   Their numbers decimated from The Sundering and their home now lost to them in places unknown, the Desert Elves are a broken people, forced to live out meager lives in their underground city hidden away from the world who now sees only an opportunity to enslave and break the last remnants of their proud peoples.

Historical Figures

First and foremost, as with all Elves, Desert Elves even now spin stories and tales of their mythical ancestor and patriarch of their people, Gail-Idhren. He who was said to have led their ancestors out from the eternally-damned Black City of El'Adri on a monumental journey from the boundaries of reality to the Material Plane and eventually to the fertile world of Ea, the Desert Elves admire him, the shining star of Elvenkind, as the pinnacle of their species who single-handedly founded the first Elven kingdom on Ea and gave a place to his impoverished people...which they remain in to this very day. They revere him and his martial might, and in days of yore it was commonplace for Desert Elven smiths to emblazon the iconic Silver Spear and Winged Helm of Gail-Idhren upon the arms and armor they would forge, as a symbol of the Shining Star's Protection. Moreso than even their woodland kin, they believe that he will one day return and lead his disjointed people to utopia.   Secondarily, they revere the god Nour and see him as the Patron God of their entire species. Desert Elves of the modern day tell tale of his valor and heroics in days gone by as the last and greatest of the Desert Elven Kings...and also as the great martyr who gave his life during the tragic events known as The Sundering to spare the rest of the desert from absolute obliteration, absorbing the energies of the rampant extinction within the World Tree and entombing himself upon his own throne...where he is said to remain to this day. Silent, ever-vigilant, and ever loving of his people even as downtrodden as they now are, Nour is the loving father of the Desert Elves who, as he served his people in life as their king, now serves them in his eternal purgatory as a martyr to hold back extinction so his people might have a future. He is admired for his strength of character, said to be as vast as all the oceans of the world, and is idealized in some ways as the pinnacle of what a Desert Elven should be.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Desert Elves of yore were often prickly and tough to get along with to outsiders, as their militaristic and rigid doctrines made them rough and hard to approach to others...however, they treated other races with initial neutrality and were quite infamous for 'treating others how they deserve to be'. If they were treated well in kind, the Desert Elves would often respond with a prickly but altogether welcoming demeanor...but, if they were crossed or shamed, they would often break off contact altogether or rarely even attack those who offended them. Because of this, they were well-respected and got along well in their ancient desert homeland...the ideals of strength that were and still are held by those who live there lent themselves well to getting along with the Desert Elves, who worked together with their harsh and pragmatic neighbors in relative harmony.   In the modern day, Desert Elves have all but retreated from the world and now live their lives out in seclusion. They now see outsiders as dangerous things, and try to avoid contact with them at all costs.
Desert Elf - Level Adjustment 0 cover
Alternate Racial Trait List:   NO LONGER ACCURATE. UNDERGOING REWORK.   Desert Elf Alternate Racial Traits  
Racial Feat List:   NO LONGER ACCURATE. UNDERGOING REWORK.   Desert Elf Racial Feats  
Genetic Ancestor(s)
1000 Years
Conservation Status
Though the Desert Elves were once a race on the verge of extinction after the events of The Sundering which saw their homeland wiped from the face of Ea, the actions of The Travelers restored their homeland, the towering World Tree, to the southern desert of Ea - now, they have repopulated and are thriving once more.
Average Height
4.59ft - 6.56ft(1.4m - 2.0m)
Average Weight
110.23lbs - 220.46lbs (50kg - 100kg)
Average Physique
Unlike the Forest Elves, Desert Elven bodies are generally well-built, muscular, and very adapted to intense physical activity. They retain some litheness and suppleness as is common to Elvenkind, but much of their body is hardened muscle and tempered by the crucible of combat and strife against both man and nature.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Desert Elven bodies are generally dark in coloration, ranging from a dark tan to completely black on rare occasions. They bear no markings or odd colors upon their body, except for those they inscribe upon themselves in times of war or battle.
Related Materials


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