The Great Dwarven Digestion

Life, Death


The Dwarves fall to the High Lamia in record time, so utterly outmatched by them and their newly ascended God-Queen they endure for barely a few months and are promptly enslaved.

Unable to stand against the power of the newly ascended God-Queen of the High Lamia and their Aenorian Empire, the Dwarves are utterly obliterated by the invading High Lamia in the span of barely a year, unable to meaningfully resist the overwhelming power of their beautiful foes.   In the end, the final Dwarven citadel is broken so utterly by the smothering power of the Scalequeen that they willingly march out of their fortress, minds broken, down the gullets of their attackers...thus the Dwarves are broken and turned into yet another race of slaves bred to whet the appetites of the High Lamia.

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