Bannis en Keld
This is a farming village on the western fringe of the Forest of Tarlot. The area is somewhat dangerous with the village surrounded by a palisade strengthened by wooden watchtowers at it corners. The village is surrounded by cleared farmland with the farmers coming out every day to work their land and tend their animals. The village's graveyard, a fortified manor house and some farmsteads and corrals are outside of the wall. The village mainly consists of two story wooden houses with high peaked roofs, many with small barns attached to them.
The village is primarily inhabited by Northron humans with a single family of Corgerians and one of Danites.
Local government is in the hands of Baron Mardeck who holds the village and two smaller hamlets to the west, just beyond the borders of the forest.
The village is surrounded by a 12' palisade atop an earthen berm with two gates at the western and southern ends of town.
Industry & Trade
The village primary depends on farming with weaving, leather tanning and fur trapping as secondary industries.
Beyond its fortifications the village has little in the way of infrastructure with it streets being dirt and gravel. A rutted wagon road connects the village to the plains lands to the west and a few trails go deeper into the forest.
Guilds and Factions
The Corgerian Mardeck family governs the region while the Danite Altors are the community's leading merchants. The large Sellik family includes a number of experienced hunters who run local fur trade. Arieva Alleos and her two grown daughters are priestesses of Khanna and dominated the village's religious life.
The village was established 120 years ago when the land was granted to the Mardeck family as a reward for their military service on behalf of the King of Karmis. The original settlers consisted of Mardeck's warriors and their families with other settlers being attrracted by grants of property.
Most of the houses in Bannis are timber framed, wattle and daub buildings with steeply pitched roofs. Houses typically have heavy wooden shutters and wooden doors bound with iron.
Lake Tarlot marks the southern border of the the town which is surrounded by cleared farmland on the other three sides. The forest starts about 2000' from the town's palisade. A number of farmsteads are located on the cleared farmland.
Founding Date
Location under
Owning Organization