Harbor District

  This vast array of warehouses and docks is the real center of industry for the city. Many of the Tidepoint and Dockside factories and Old Town and Newton conglomerates rely on convenient shipping to turn a profit.


Some flop-houses exist for merchant marines between postings, and there are about two dozen blocks of row houses and tenements for warehousemen who grow weary of a commute from Bouchard

Points of interest

A warehouse near Pier 42 has nothing to do with shipping at all. Home of the hush-hush Knuckle Society, the warehouse is actually a stadium for a mob-protected bare-knuckle fighting league. Matches are “anything goes” and don’t end until one pugilist is unconscious or worse. Crime syndicates have stables of fighters, and wagering is fierce. And despite everyone’s efforts to keep the Knuckle Society quiet, word is beginning to leak out. One of the fighters is a point man for the city’s pro caidball team, another is an army lieutenant at Fort Fitz, and one of the studios’ most famous actors is trying desperately to prove his worth in the ring.
Location under


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