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Corinthia City

This is a fast article. it requires much more work.    


This is a short biography of the Corinthia (City), the capital of Corinthia.  


Detailed under Althanas Gerard bio, this area can be researched, but it is a long story.  


  Corinthia City is situated on the southern most tip of Corinthia. Corinthia is a mostly-flat country, with rolling hills in the west and marshlands on the east side of town. A good portion of south end is open grassland; it has been said that there are more than half dozen pockets of kobold races throughout these areas; however, this can’t be proven until they have been found and explored.  


  There is only the King.   Well, and the Lords. Ans the Merchants, the Masters of Protocol, the Priesthood, the various Guilds (Thieves, Mistress, Duelist, Fighters, Mages...)   And the common people. But they don’t really have an opinion. That is, their opinions are usually incorrect and wrong anyway, so why get worked up about it? Better to stay quiet as you can be sure that someone will inform on you (and/or run off with your things) if you speak out of turn in a public place.  


  Warm most of the year. Winter, spring and fall are all brief periods in this part of the world; rains come and go, but generally don’t cause problems as they keep things green. The longer winter season is to the west in a more mountainous area; also has stronger winds than Corinthia City does from its proximity to water on three sides.  


  The people of Corinthia live in a mix of small villages, farmsteads and city. Within the city are many different areas that keep their own traditions: Thieves & Thieves Guild; Mages (also called Warlocks Priests; Duelists; Fighters   Corinthia is a highly formalized structure of protocols, intricate conversations, Rules from the Rule Book, and various social structures, all in play at the same time. The number of potential misunderstandings and problems from high-level social interactions is more than most people want to try to think about, let alone consider.   Every interaction has a game in it; give a gift and you'll likely be in debt to all Lords lesser than - or greater than - the recipient. Be in the wrong place and become worshipped by the local populace for a day as the world-savior, along with the accompanying consequence of angry priests who are also world-savior. Find a place to eat and you will be served food, but if the wrong person sees your meal, it becomes theirs - even if you are in middle of eating it.   The rules are more than just the Rules of Three; they relate to whatever MOP (Master of Protocol) is active in your area. That person can change the rules, based on their desires and needs at that moment. Information about protocol changes is not readily available as it will be a business advantage for many people; also, even if you have such information it can be dynamically changing based on who else is present. These situations lead to local residents or visitors being surprised or inconvenienced.  


  Corinthia culture is a conglomeration of all the people from around Corinthia, with no one nationality being more prevalent than any other. Language and religion are the two areas that cause most of these cultural disagreements.   Throughout Corinthia, a common language is used as well as multiple others. The common language is called Corinthian, and has multiple sub-tongues within it. Some of these are Thieves’ Cant, Peddlers’ Tongue and Merchants’ Tongue. The local languages include the Druidic tongue (a secret language) and Seafare Speak.   The various temples each have their own faiths; however, there are many other religions that can be found as well in various areas around town... most welcome by the ruling King or his court leaders. Due to the Rule of Five, only5 temples can be in a single town at the same time - and it always must be fine, no less.    


The buildings in Corinthia are mostly stone and mortar; there's a lot of wood used in the frame but not much else. The buildings have been around for hundreds of years and most utilize curved or round shapes with no straight edges.. There are some flat roofs but those tend to be lower class areas or apartments for citizenry.  


  • The Castle : the home of the King of Corinthia; it is well known for it's extreme security and multiple layers of defenses (mental, physical, astral, ethereal). It is a special part of the country and while not impervious to breach, typically it's easily detected. See more about the Crown and its powers, later.
  • Loth Lorain Sculpture: A monument that is similar to the one in Valan, though this one is more worn with age and the metal has an aged look to it.
  • The MUG (short for magic users guild): It has eight stories but the top two are the place where the Archmage works. There's an old wooden door that leads up there that is a fake; the way in is through an Ethereal Gate.
  • The Fighters Guild: a two story campus that surrounds 6 great courtyards for various training purposes.
    - The Theatre: Where most politics happen over music. The front of the Theatre has the carriages and the carriage master who oversees all Traffic - and who is allowed to move. It is typical for adventurers to cause a ruckus.
  • Adolph's: the premier restaurant in Corinthia. Known for not allowing weapons to enter the building, the fine dining and views, and it's solid wall toward the outside that can be transformed into a glass wall. Typically this occurs when there is a hit going on right outside of the building, as the place is situated at a corner with two walls hidden from common sight (except the wall's one-way transparency)

  • "The Rule of Five" (churches) is adhered to, as if they were a Corinthian city. The churches of Emiond, Sytera, Cyrelus, Anesa and Idella are represented.
  • BARS

    There are several bars throughout Corinthia; they range from places that adventurers frequent to high-class areas frequented by people in politics.
  • The Sanctuary: The Thieves Guild has a place where they meet and discuss business; it's well known within the city.
  • The White Knight: A well-known bar, it's decor and fixtures are very clean. The food is good and the drink selection is weak but potent. It's known for its ease of access (physically) and information brokers tend to sit in place, and send \"runners\" when something is needed. Additionally, this WKI has one of the only 'Sim Rooms' in the world.
  • The Dock: A bar with dockworkers and NOTHING BUT DOCKWORKERS. Typically a good place for rogues to hide or runners to get - or give - information.

  • Horace's place: An unassuming place in the warehouse district. Known for its friendliness to Ogres and Orcs that are working in the city as dock workers. Typically a fight a week breaks out, but somehow the place is not a shambles.
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