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(a.k.a. Bonfire)

Bonfire, originally from Tamosh, a planet under the rule of COU. An elven Admiral who named himself Karsus, after Lord Karsus the mage, rules the planet. Here she was raised by the streets. Forced to fight, barter and steal to survive. Eventually she went after bigger scores until she got caught. The Iron Bank. One of the last standing independent banks remaining and arguably the most powerful financial institution in Tamosh. In Bonfire's home city of Braavos, one of it's largest vaults resides. Thought to be unbreakable but not to Bonfire. She had found a weakness in the system and devised the perfect plan and a crew to pull it off with. After weeks of preparations they set upon doing this job. Except they were set up. Someone ratted them out. And thus captain Grant was able to capture them. Captain Grant has been on Bonfire's heels for years, ever since she's been on the streets. Trying to catch her slipping up.   Bonfire spent years in prison. It started with forced-labor, having her dig her own grave to begin with and work on government structures afterwards. But a couple months in they were scared she was going to break out or cause a riot. Even in prison she was special. So they threw her behind bars. Chaining her up and leaving her in the dark for days on end. Only providing food and water once per week. This dark hell, lit only by Bonfire herself. Gave her enough time to think, to rage, to plan. She came to the conclusion that it was Hans, a prince from the Southern Isles, who was supposed to be the front. Must have been the one to rat them out. She swore she'd have her revenge. When she gets out...   A couple years of having her morale broken in a dark chained up cell later, her door opened. And she was released. Some mysterious woman had payed of her bail. The only message she got was "Go to Batuu. Fulfill your destiny." She never figured out who got her released but it didn't matter that much. Captain Grant was still after her, and Hans had already left the system. So she had to move as well.
Date of Birth
13 Duembruary 4377
Year of Birth
4377 PE 28 Years old
Aligned Organization

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