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Session III: Taking 3 Heads Report

General Summary

The session started of in Quackey Hotel in Jarkausla with the 2 missing party members. These party members were able to catch up with the rest of the party by using Kenneth Bowman's ferry service, usefully tipped to them by Audrey Levy. They were dropped of just past Dimitri Paranov's cottage. The party then reconvened and as they were talking were attacked by 2 Ankhegs who were trying to catch themselves some tasty gnome for lunch. They were able to defeat one of them while the other got away.   Karl broke his wrist trying to rescue Remi. Whilst Lena Levy got scared of by these monsters and stayed back, this annoyed the party and they therefor lashed out at her. They pushed on for another day noticing a figure following them and perhaps watching them from the bushes. Unfortunately they weren't able to investigate further as to what was happening exactly.   They spotted the Chimera close to Kaunaanki waterfall and prepared their weapons by oiling their blades. While Katara and Jarghull were distracted by a poem Lena was singing (Last Dala) the rest of the party continued closer to the nest and started forming a plan on how to approach this monster. Whilst Karl and Jhone were trying to sacrifice Remi as bait to the monster by throwing him into it's nest. They accidentally both jumped into the river below the waterfall. Remi was able to save himself by grabbing onto the wooden branches of the nest. Whilst Jhone and Karl were floating away, Katara and Jarghull jumped into action trying to save both of them and eventually after a long fought battle succeeded, in doing so wasting a bunch of spells and energy, almost drowning 2 members of the party. This however attracted The Monster and they were not able to set a trap.   The monster swiftly flew over to our heroes and landen behind them attacking them with it's fire breath, knocking down 3 of the party members. After a long fought battle in which many people got knocked out. Lena used a power not known to the party before trying to save her dear friends but it wasn't enough and unfortunately Jhone met his end right before the monster did, his dying words "Steal Everything".   The party killed the monster and gave their farewell to Jhone, by making him a makeshift raft, dousing him in alcohol and sending the burning corpse down the river and the waterfall. However when they looked back at the slain monster, the monster was missing all of it's 3 heads. Leaving the most valuable proof of the kill missing. With Lena having ran off, Jarghull and Katara chased her and were able to catch up. Discovering she did not steal the heads but was instead crying for having used the artifact she so sworn not to ever use.     The session took a total of 2 days. Starting date morning of 27/06/4402. ending date evening of 28/06/4402.  
Magnificent Misfits
Report Date
03 Mar 2020

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