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Session XXI-XXII: The klilm massacre Report

General Summary

After the second day of somewhat useless surveillance(like Jarghull likes to say) me and my co leader wanted to bust down the door and get it over with. Especially after Jarghull seemed kind of liking the idea of work for this assholes. After the first job me and Katara were really suspicions and didn’t like Josephi Krakowie or something like that (it probably a fake name knowing him) at all. But after we took a little walk outside the city walls and I swear I saw Ishra (probably my head fucking with me again yess yess) we manage to confines the rest of the party to do this then and there probably not one of my greats idea(no no) because my head is killing me and the voices are making me crazy I think (crazier than usual at least) and Hamas is not helping ether. Something trigger him and made him much’s more talkative lately and he even calls the voice in my head interesting withs is somewhat creepy even for me yess yess.   But the bust I was talking about, we decided to go through the pupper store (where we got our first normal pet( he’s much’s more than a pet)) after Omaria made the pupper lady fell a sleep with some magic trick that here god, friend, thing thought her (withs is very impressive yess yess). I sneaked to the back where I knew there was an elf that we needed to take care of, when I sneaked closer to the corner he/she was in. he/she was closer than I expected the voices took over and I missed even from that close and even fleit my arm in the proces , luckily my party saved my going insane ass. After that I wanted to save face and show the hidden door but my fucking mind let me down, one more thing I can’t rely on. After some searching for the door (and tying the pupper lady up, lucky I couldn’t kill someone how brought us our fluff). We made our way deeper in the hidden lair, But with less guards than expected. Before we went further I did the usual tricks and made my dearest friend invisible I pushed ahead and saw they were just having a meeting. One was talking about something but my headache was acting up so didn’t hear anything they said. The others around the table were some elf (wimpy looking individuals) also the shopkeeper from the flower store and someone with familiar look gear. I decided to wait for my party to make a move and in the chaos kill the rough/thieve looking elf (probably not as awesome as me) the big guy smash the door (lucky better than last time) and that moment I released my shot AND I MIST AGAIN. hitting the talking elf in the center of her back. The not so cool rough elf first wanted to parlay knowing my self (a way cool rough) this was probably a trap. Luckily Omaria stormed in and finished my second mistake and threw the parlay opportunity out the window(luckily thing didn’t need to get any more complicated or my head will explode). Apparently Katara zoofed like the wind past the whole battle after the shopkeeper and in the process spooking the rest of the elf. The battle continued I swear I could hear music with every clash of weapon’s, ever swing a melody that I havened heard in a long time but sounded all too familiar. In my shock and confused not now what is real and what is not , I tried to blast 2 incoming wimps the first blast hit’s, the image of the elf hitting the ground was too much, the music mixing with voice over took me and in my weakness I think a blasted myself in de face. Everything became hazy a terrible pitches over took my right ear and the only thing I could focus on was what I though was a stuff raven in the corner of the room. I stumble towards it fell on my knee, only to find it looking judgmentally down at me. When dozes piercing eye were looking at me I only could think about the people I failed in the past Baronk, Ishra, Remi and why they are punishing me now in my desperation I tried to recreate one of Baronk’s song but even that I failed. After I don’t know how long I felt the familiar hands of Katara pick me up, and put me on a chair in pain and broke I just sat there breaking my mind over what this mean and why now of all places. But apparently Jarghull managed to halt the battle with the help of the weird girl and Omaria. Also Katara scared the wimpy little elf’s in to surrender ( I completely understand Katara can be scary as fuck) The party stared to talk when I was snapping out of my bad day dream when we made a deal. They would vanishes and help us trash the place even willing to kill the idiots (that surrendered hehehe pussy) and here self to make it look more real. damm These people really are crazy and willing to do anything to protect the people they care about. (maybe something I should learn as well instead of think for myself the whole time and lose people love) We agreed on just cutting of an ear of the rough elf, she told us everything about the war we need to hear that the bps was corrupted or at least a part of it. and that the leader maybe even the black death is. Also she even gave her gear and some trick item’s like cool googles for katara a special key (for me yess yess hamas even knew what it was) a cape for the weird girl and a special spell book for Omaria(maybe she has more use for the strange scroll I have) . Kind of felt bad for the big guy he didn’t get any cool trick item’s   After that cluster fuck we went back to the most edgiest agent of the BPS Karl Bank. Exhausted we entire the temple said the job was done, the asshole needed to question our loyalty in that moment I almost snapped and start stabbing the asshole but Katara got a hold of me an we left.(without any stabbing sadly) The party was somewhat confused and tired but decided to leave Klelm we walked till sun down and set up our camp (like a gentlegoblin did it for my lady). Still a bit dazed from the battle me and Katara decided to take the last watches, she promised to help me easy my mind again with her breathing trick and meditation stuff. But first finely some sleep not even after 5 sec of closing my eyes I fell asleep.   But not long before my dream took me, I started to fall and fall in darkness till I suddenly could put my feet down after a quick look around I knew where I was that’s the moment I saw her a female figure in the distance, filled with hope of seeing the raven queen and be able to ask why all these visons and painful memoirs are haunting me. I walked to the female figure but we I got closer it wasn’t the raven queen nor one of her servants to my horror the was my beloved Katara beat up with scares everywhere looking like she lost her mind too. Then the fog revealed dead body after dead body of our party even the innocent fluff wasn’t spared. In the shock my mind snapped back to being a scared little goblin from so many years ago I tried to get away from this horror but when a stepped back I was blocked by something, scared I looked up only to find Ishra standing behind me. with a echoing voices she said you need to do a great evil and looked towards katara. Not willing to lose any more person’s dear to me I took my dagger given by the monks from the black crux and looked my beloved companion in the eye’s. I press the dagger in her hand, still looking in her eye’s for some signal of regret I told her to do what she has to do. After that I felt sharp pain in my chest and the warm feeling of blood spilling inside my armor, weaken I fell on my knee. Darkness started to creep over my sight and right before I took my last breathe the haunting word’s loyalty is key were said by Ishra after that I could remember anything. In the morning Katara told me that I didn’t wake up for my watches even when she pored water over me. It probably didn’t helped that I still was somewhat paranoid and scared of her, but after our meditation I told her everything and to my surprises she wasn’t as choked as I expected she even gave me a hug. Probably the first hug that I got in my life that wasn’t supposed to be a chock hold of some kind. The remainder of the morning I felt like shit, I even had to ask the big guy to carry my bag but then it happened again in the morning fog I saw her again Ishra despairing after impossible small three and reappearing somewhere different. The first few time I managed to hide it from the party but that all changed when I tried distracted my self with a little trick and that didn’t work even my blasted trick didn’t work but when I couldn’t summon my crossbow a lost all hope and snapped it also didn’t help that I had to explain everything to the big blue and gold boy scout. Luckily my goblin nature to over and I manage to twisted the truth so that the party still trust me. And with some help from Katara they left me alone. Sometime later all my tricks came back. (luckily because if they hadn’t what would I do in a fight cry in a corner for safety)   The rest of the walk was filled with headaches and the odd comment from Hamas. Till we finely found a place to camp as usual me and Katara took the last watches but before it was our turn Jarghull somewhat manly scream woke me and my dear co-leader up there were banshee spotted and attacking the camp. We were quick to react, our first objective was to get fluff to safety the little pupper didn’t want to leave Katara side. So a shot a bolt towards one of the banshee attacking my favored boy scout hitting it pretty good (finely a good hit after 3 day of sucking). After that two other banshee where storming our tent where fluff still was luckily Katara took the little puppy and ran with the speed of the wind. That moment Ensy thought it was a good idea to put our tent a blaze (thanks you uncontrollable candle) luckily I had just have the trick for this situation with a big boom I blew the reminder of our tent to smithereens and hurting the attacking banshee in the process and then reappearing in what I thought was a saver spot. Till one of them let out a horrible scream and I blacked out again the lasting thing I heard was Hamas saying something about the raven queen. When I was dying AGAIN I only could wonder why I even suck at killing undead something I suppose to be great at and why my queen seems to be punishing me. Just because a want to proof too myself that I’m not that scared little goblin anymore how needs some sort of cheats or trick to be a good servant to a great goddess. But by the divine will of Jarghull I woke up. Feeling even more shit than the day before but my wining quickly stopped when I heard Katara scream for help it was fluff he also almost died from the scream as well. luckily Jarghull was quicker (for once) then me and helpt the little one back up. With no tent (THANKS ENSY) me and Katara slept by the bonfire with our little fluff between us. We did our morning meditation (Hamas helped again) and started walking again we finely made it to Bugsee. A not to large village with a marked place and the usual stuff put perfect for my little idea I had for a while me, Omaria and Katara went to the general store to buy cups plates and other porcelain nick necks I put them in a bag and crush them to a powder. I present Skarsnik mean pocket sand, apparently crushing stuff on the street is weird and my favorite tick item seller noticed me he came to do he usual talk oui oui look at ma waaaaaaaaaaaaay to expanse stuff oui oui bla bla bla I was ready to bounces but hamas said something interesting he knew this fat talking ball of annoyances and even told me he wasn’t the real deal perfect for some scamming. After al these bad day maybe my luck will turn so I knew he had a book that Hamas wrote that was a target I could go after, I tried my usual magic trick but that didn’t work so I decide to talk my way in to getting what is wanted apparently he even had a neckless from Hamas. Hamas hem self even pushed me to get it so I said I knew the grandmaster how made that stuff and that he would not be happy if he knew that tis man was selling his stuff to people. The surprise on the fat man’s face told me I was pushing the right buttons in his panic he tried to contact Hamas that obvious didn’t work I calmly told hem the master didn’t want to talk to hem. That when he started to get suspicions and I need something convincing I went around the corner and my plan was to change in Hamas. I asked Hamas how he looked but I got a tinkle he was not being honest with me he explained that transforming into hem was maybe not so great idea. He told me that I just had to say you better not mess with Cyble so I did. Lihvohvuh face went blank for a second then proceeded to give me the neckless and promised keep the book save then he started to talk like a mad man about the end of the world and that he really need to talk to Hamas (what for trouble did I get myself into now). After that successful scam Hamas told me almost everything I wanted to know about hem from day 1 why he did want katara to have him, why he is so old , why he not insane after being locked up for so long, why he didn’t go to his afterlife. Turns out HE’S THE SON OF CYBLE a demi god that died in a magic experiment. with the information we know now we have to get in he’s house. When I still was in oooohn we rent 2 stagecoach to get to Driord the way was long and uncomfortable. Along the way the headache got worse and remembering stuff became harder to do, I even could smell my powder and the leaf Katara had on her some quick thinking fixed that problem. When we entered Driord we B lineded to the BPS prison where Lena was kept. I Change to the familiar form of Jarmar it felt good after a long time not doing so. We talk to the big guard Infront and got our somewhat elven friend back and most imported her stuff. Well she still was a bit stunned Jarghull pasted me her bag, as quick as I could I went true her stuff only to find the orb wasn’t there. After talking to the guard about it, he let me and Omaria to one of he’s officers. The officers went true the paper work only to find there was never a orb registered as her possessions this show’s the elf where right and the BPS couldn’t be trusted. She told us that she would take this to the higher up’s mean Josephie. I knew from day one we should not have trusted that lying bastard. The problem is if we kill hem and take the orb we may very well make this whole war worse than it already is, so we have to play it smart take him down another way the elf told us that the king wants peace so maybe we can start there. But convincing a king you’re a nobleman and that one of his (maybe) trusted agent’s is actually a murdering piece of trash is gone ask a lot of luck and skill from me and katara. Luckily the big guy is looking to pull some string with his brother so that also maybe could work, after that shocking reveal we went back to the red sea dog to feed and more imported question Lena. When we arrived the clerk had two letter’s waiting for us one for me and the other for the whole party and it had a royal stamp on it. But before we opened them we had some business to take care of the party rented some room’s including the biggest one they had (of course for the leader and co-leader). We sat Lena down and not even a sec passed and she was starting to talk about killing a green dragon, losing my temper a bit I explained to here that she is in no place to make demand’s and that she is going home or at least ask her mom to be our pilot(for free of course). After that was settled like gentleman (withs Jamar most defiantly is) we started to ask about the orb of course our moody little teen did not know anything about where it went. Seeing this wasn’t going any where the party spitted up I stayed to enjoy our luxuries room and open my personal letter. The letter was from the thieves guild asking for a meet up here ? tomorrow ? with the letter also came a new badges I’m now a level 3 member. I also wrote a letter requiting a meeting with the king after delivering my beautiful letter. After that little D tour I went back to my party how were just about to open the noble letter.
  The Session lasted 7 days, starting the morning of the 12th and ending the evening of the 19th
Magnificent Misfits
Jarghull Nabaal
Level Half-orc
/ 51 HP
Report Date
17 Sep 2020
Primary Location

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