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Session XXXV: Wintermas dream Report

General Summary

So being lock in this flying metal box is kind boring me out I don’t have my crossbow to train with. The Raven Queen is also been very quiet which I don’t like really, we kinda had our differences on Batuu.(in my defense getting stab is a good reason to be a bit mad) But I (with help from my awesome friend’s/party) did one of here hit and apparently I introduces her to a new city, and after talking to the head priest I think a started to understand how this whole deal thing works with her (ALSO IM A FUCKING LEGEND TAKE THAT EVERONE YESS YESS).After some weeks of flying don’t real know how long time has become confusing to me, it was Katara birth day she cook amazingly but I felt really guilty not having a super cool present after she kind saved me form a lot of dangerous things. But luckily Omaria helped me transforming my room in a mini jungle, with a lot of cool plants and ones with beautiful blue flowers. I know it not much but I hope my bestest of companion likes it. After that lovely day it went back to boring flying until holly sounded the alarm an asteroid field was in our way (did not know those were a thing but oke no stress fly through them). A splendid show of team work from the whole group we managed to get through unscathed, but that was not all after my expert flying some VERRY VERRY big whale like thing were fly at us. To my surprise they didn’t swallow us whole and instead just drifted along us, even helping us it was beautiful could help but think this would be something Katara really would love so I tried to stay as long as I cloud with these majestic creatures to give my friend’s sometime of inner peace. (we all going to need it if we are going to Ur Borm). Boring Day kept passing by until to my biggest horror a other ship showed up and not just any ship but a mindflayer ship, chills crept down my spine and we tried to get away but to no avail so Axton order a group of the party to bored the fuckers ship I was more then happy to stay in our ship(no armor no crossbow I was useless) but to my big surprise Baronk had other ideas he teleported me inside the mindflayers ship!!!! He right away got stab by some sad looking human there also were some strange elf and to my horror a mindflayer chaos in suede. Until one of the creeps got a hold of me, flash back of Remi came to me and I swear I was mere seconds from dyeing luckily Ensy save my hide. Quickly looking around I saw Katara in the same danger as me, in my panic of losing her I stabbed the ugly monster with all my power I had . Luckily saving my beloved friend. After some ups and down’s we barely made It out alive our ship is a rekt and the only reasons we were alive is because of Baronk. Baronk did so much for me I don’t know how I ever going to repay my old friend, he saved my new group of friend’s and it’s also little bit he’s doing I even met them in the first place. So with our rekt ship and beaten body’s we flew ever closer to Ur Borm and the closer we get to this hell of a planet the more I think about just change the fly course but that would break my promises to Katara and I’m not that big of a scum bag. But before we got there something strange happened first of it was a holyday I knew little of but the whole group kind bonded over it ( and I secretly loved every second of it, but sssssssht nobody needs to know).Baronk also give everyone arm bracers which was too kind of him. After that everybody went to bed as usual but we all woke up in the same dream. A dream so majestic it only could be one of a god and it was, the god of dream apparently think we are hero and invited us here. The evening started slow some small talk here and there, Omaria meet Mira and seemed to have a good time sadly the Raven Queen wasn’t there nether was Cyble said Katara. But the leader of Katara’s temple was here but she was very stressed about it and didn’t want to talk to hem which seemed strange to me so as good friend I offered to go with her maybe learn thing or two about the place were she came form because if she is this talented and cool of a person those temples are probably amazing (except for the whole male only part they should see her fight they would be amazed). But nooooo why pick your friend when you can pick a god she abandoned me for that golden fly prick and did even bet a eye but suuuure it all fine. After that heart break we didn’t stay for much longer. To no one’s surprise the golden prick was a prick and put a giant bouncer in front of the portal home, get past me and you can leave he said bouth the smartest people(Katara and Axton) of the party thought they could just walk by. Of course this wasn’t the case and Katara GOT REKT luckily I was quick to draw and sprinted to my ditching idiot, the plan was to teleport behind the bouncer and flank him so it would be easy to take him on, but I kind need to get used to having one eye and the distance was off and I teleported us inside the portal after that we woke up I don’t know what happens to rest I truly hope there fine.  
  • skarsnik
  • Character(s) interacted with

    Magnificent Misfits
    Jarghull Nabaal
    Level Half-orc
    / 51 HP
    Player Journals
    Taking matters into my own hands by Jarghull Nabaal
    Report Date
    18 Dec 2020
    Secondary Location

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