Sun 27th Dec 2020 04:18

Taking matters into my own hands

by Jarghull Nabaal

It was so great seeing Lena again, she's trained a lot and has really gotten back on track at home. Her brothers are home and she's been training with them quite a bit, and has the scars to prove it. I asked if she wanted me to heal or restore them, but she saw them as lessons she learned in battle (despite the fact I preferred her without scars, you have to respect a warrior's will). We talked about our adventures together and caught up on each others' lives. Apparently she's seen the MM again and they were doing fine. She said they were heading to Ur Borm (Skarsnik's home planet, if I remember correctly). I hope they'll be alright.
Things are becoming a little more strained at home. I chose not to perform an ambush against the Lycanthropes as to keep my team out of danger, and we focused on protecting chalk. We were able to prevent quite some captures, but we still lost some men. I was able to capture one of the werewolves and am now personally training him. The people of Chalk were displeased with my choice, but what was I supposed to do? I couldn't send poorly trained recruits into such a fight. No matter, I'll hire some extra talent from the surrounding cities before the next full moon and I will lead a campaign that will hopefully solve most of this problem.
The negotiations at the southern border went well, however. They are willing to settle if the Bratian Empire provides them with funds for new amenities for their villages. They also requested acceptance towards the worship of Correlon as supreme elven diety, something I'm not very familiar with. I went to Teagan for further guidance on this matter, and to me it seems fine. I have forwarded all of the info to Didron, so it would reach the council of Driord. I hope this deal comes through, as it seems fair and the people at the Southern border were very pleasant folks :)
With Platinum Resolve.

Continue reading...

  1. Lena
  2. Of Eggs and responsibilities
  3. Working from home
  4. Taking matters into my own hands