

The exact history of Vetheriss is uncertain, ruins found along the shores (or converted into living towns since being rediscovered) suggests the region was occupied before the Adrakian Empire by a group of people who had very Thydian-like cultural traits. Some have attempted to learn the pre-Adrakian history of Theydim, but Vetheriss and Norrasjo have the best preserved ruins.

Recent History

Norrasjo was originally an eastern part of Vetheriss until it broke over a hundred years ago off to stand on their own and eventually expand east and west, forcing Vetheris to contract in size.

In the 4th month of the 34th year of 3A, Vetheriss annexed the westernmost region of Norrasjo - Diplomatic relations have not been going well.

Vetheriss annexed part of Northern Felkhath - Diplomatic relations have not been improving.


Vetheriss, like Norrasjo and Ostufer is primarily a coastal Arling, and where Norrasjo, Zimaskog, and Ostufer can depend on having large tracts of shore or other industries to support the Arling when the fishing is bad, Vetheriss has difficult soil to support agriculture.

We'd be great for a salt mine - if anyone actually needed salt. Our neighbors have more salt than they know what to do with, so they wouldn't buy any, and anywhere that would is too far away. This Arling used to be great and powerful - now we're just small.
— Advisor to the Arle of Vetheriss
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

Vetheris believes Capital and the Capitolists will best suit their needs.

Vetheris believes Capital and the Capitolists will best suit their needs.

Vetheriss is concerned about Felkhath taking an interest in taking over, Felkhath is antagonize by Vetheriss' expansion

Vetheriss is concerned about Norrasjo taking an interest in taking over, Norrasjo is antagonize by Vetheriss' expansion

Historically, Norrasjo used to be a part of Vetheriss, so the expansion into Norrasjo appears to be based on that history.

Articles under Vetheriss

Cover image: by Lyraine Alei, Midjourney


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