Cardinal Planes

The Cardinal Planes are the planes of fire, water, earth and air. These were created first by the Gods of the Fore during the Age of the Chalice, and are the most primal, unrefined realms created. This makes them uniquely unsuitable for sentient life, as they each have dangerous properties or enchantments within.   The Plane of Fire, for example, has a constantly igniting atmosphere that fills the skies with fire. Red dragons and other creatures completely immune to fire are the only creatures that inhabit this place unassisted. Mobile structures such as the Chaos Furnaces are able to exist here due to powerful enchantments that safeguard them from the flames.

Plane Malady Civilization
Plane of Fire Atmosphere of fire Chaos Furnaces
Plane of Earth Planar Crux corrupted, ensnares travelers with roots None
Plane of Water Enormous, deadly sea creatures D'haan, Zivil outposts
Plane of Air Psychoactive air, preventing exit unless not breathed Military Ruins
The Cardinal Planes are less hospitable to life than their younger counterparts: the Ordinal Conjunctions and the Dominus Conjunctions.