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Dysis Darkchild-Dekross

Madam Dysinia (Die-Sin-E-Ah) Leigh Darkchild-Dekross (a.k.a. Dysis)

Dark hair glistens in the moonlight with a violet glow as eyes light as lavender stare at the audience of those face in front of her, a voice of angelic whispers moves from the lips to a microphone as the physical wisp of it seems to circle about the room. As it moves from one person to another the faces of those in the room seem to change from sadness to that of joy and happiness, the song stopping the woman smiles stepping down her hand reaching out and grasping a man's as he looks at her intently through his glasses. "Dear you left them in complete awe again." Smiling the woman bows her head a bit slowly and gracefully walking from the room with him into one of the back areas, opening a door to a dressing room she heads in the male following her. As soon as the door shuts behind him the girl slouches a bit turn to talk to him. "I am not that good you know.. I should do some more practice." "Dysis you did beautifully." The man says as he walks forward wrapping his arms around her in a very loving way, sighing she looks in the mirror then gaffes at her face as she reaches over letting him hold her as she grabs a tissue. Using the tissue to remove the makeup on her face she giggles a bit then wraps her arms about the male an holds him tightly. "There much better, I love you Kadoh." Smiling they kiss for a moment then both release each other as the woman goes about getting dressed in more casual clothes for the rest of the night.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

Scar from father on back, D cup breasts

Special abilities

Unlike other Vampires Dysis and most of her children can feed off of emotions not off of blood.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually Dysis dresses casually but if she is required to be in public she tries to be as formal as she can, she dislikes makeup.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as a daughter to the lord of a small country in the Northern Wilds which is now called the Grand Duchy, and a singer that caught his obsessive fancy, Dysis and her twin were the product of a very traumatic rape. Although Dysis did not know this when she grew up, she thought her parents had loved each other deeply which was what she was told by her father and sister. Growing up Dysis became the lady of the house at an early age unlike her sister whom her father seemed to want as a knight in his guard, it was not until her 25th birthday that Dysis finally found out the truth about her family and her life. During her birthday Dysis was asked an important question by her father. "Would you like to stay with me forever?" Not knowing any better of course Dysis said yes, her twin tried to warn her about the darkness that was about to come but Dysis refused to listen.   That night her father embraced her like never before turning her into what he was, a vampire. It was then that her father lead her into the terrible tower of their home that loomed over them all to show her his secret. That was when Dysis met her mother chained to a wall barely breathing and alive, as she was left alone with her mother and sister she was told the truth about her father. You see her mother was a vampiress... a special one who had caught their father's attention, after which he locked her in this tower chaining her starving her. That was not it he wished to create the greatest offspring of the world with her so as she was chained and starved he had been raping her to provide offspring. Which had resulted in the twin girls. When they were babies their father could automatically tell which baby was stronger then the other and thus chose Dyanna to know the secret of their mother. In order to keep all girls in line their father threatened Dysis's life to Dyanna and forced Dyanna to fed their mother when she was at her brink to keep her alive longer.    Devasted by all of this Dysis had a mental break down in which she completely shut herself off blaming her sister for not telling her and her father for his cruel deeds. For the next two years Dysis stand by her father's side begrudgingly not wanting her mother hurt. On her 27th birthday was when her father's full plan came to light to both girls as Dysis woke to the smell of smoke as the tower her mother was in was on fire, her mother's screams could be heard on the air as she ran outside only to find everyone standing being ordered by her father to let it burn. As her father spotted her he grabbed her presenting her to all those in view screaming that she was the new lady of the house as he whisked her towards his quarters. Dyanna had tried to get to Dysis but by the time she did her father had already locked the door giving a big speech to Dysis about how she would be the one to save the line. She would be the one to birth the best children to him.    Fighting her father to keep him off of her was hard but the devastating effects of what happened next is what run through Dysis's mind till this day. As Dyanna finally broke through the door she tackled their father both of them embroiled in a battle which lead them to the very tower on fire, Dysis watched as her entire family went up in flames and ash. Her twin, her mother and her father dead. Not sure how to deal with her new found loneliness Dysis traveled trying hard not to make too much of an impression on anyone.. that was until she met Kadoh Dekross. Who noticed her struggling and took her under his wing teaching her the ways of a vampire, they traveled together for a long time until they came a crossed the VonRose family and one of their sons took Dysis's fancy. Though not visible of it at the time she was falling for Soren, Kadoh had fallen for her but because of his kind nature he started to spend more time with Wykked, the matriarch and Soren's mother. Dysis and Soren married producing a pair of twins named Cerise and Grimm. Sadly a little after the birth of her children though her marriage fell apart and Soren took Grimm with him when he left.    In a huge game of cat and mouse this was when Dysis had realized her feelings for Kadoh but Kadoh was then to marry Wykked whom he seemed enraptured with, causing Dysis to look elsewhere. Taking a trip to Evermoore to clear her head was when she met Zarek Trevane, a blacksmith with a heart of gold. After a one night stand she found herself with child in which Zarek promised to give her the time she needed but to be here when she was ready to let him in. In the end Dysis married Zarek telling him of what she was and that she would never force him to be in that life, Zarek did not care and traveled with Dysis back to Pandora on the way getting Dysis pregnant again this time with triplets. For a very long time Dysis lived in Pandora with nothing but love in her heart for her new family, but everything good does not last long.    During this time it was found out that Wykked had been cheating on Kadoh with an unknown vampire within the city, and Carmine a boy that worked for Kadoh had said that he had seen Dysis at a bar fighting some unknown males. It seemed that Dysis had been wrong all these years.. her twin was alive but the more shocking news was that Wykked's lover was Dysis's father. After a great betrayal by Wykked and her father in the end all lives where turned upside down. Kadoh was now the Prince of the city, Zarek was dead, Wykked was dead, and Dyanna had been alive this whole time. That was finally when the game of cat and mouse game stopped both Kadoh and Dysis finally having their moment.   After a while Kadoh and Dysis married that is how things have been since living life lovingly with Kadoh and her 9 kids... four of which were Kadoh's.  

Gender Identity





At an early age Dysis was taught the proper lady qualities in a woman, she is not very much educated in the ways of fighting but what she lacks her twin makes up for.


Ex-Club Owner, Singer, Dancer, Mother, Wife

Accomplishments & Achievements

Although killing her father was a major accomplishment for Dysis, she is more content with the achievement of finally being married with Kadoh living a happy healthy life. Dysis also is an accomplished singer and has owned a number of clubs in the city which she has pasted down to her children.

Failures & Embarrassments

Dysis feels the embarrassment of trusting her father more then anyone and sees it as a huge failure on her part. Also the whole back and forth with Kadoh on their feelings is something she is pretty embarrassed about as well.

Mental Trauma

Dysis has had a number of mental traumas, one being the idea that she was a product of rape when she thought it was love. Another was her mother being murdered by her father in order for him to use her for sex.. and so on and so forth.

Intellectual Characteristics

Dysis is not very book smart but was brought up as a proper lady so basically shows these traits a lot at times, proper speech, proper posture... especially when in the company formally of others.

Personality Characteristics


Her family and staying alive to see her grandkids grow.

Likes & Dislikes

Her family, Singing, Dancing.   People who hurt her family, Idiots, Slavers.


Contacts & Relations

Contacts: Mostly her family and Fenin Vesatia

Family Ties



Dysis was raised to be a lady so at times especially in the public eye she will slip into this persona.


Kadoh Dekross

Husband (Vital)

Towards Dysis Darkchild-Dekross



Dysis Darkchild-Dekross

Wife (Vital)

Towards Kadoh Dekross




Dysis and Kadoh met each other a long time ago in which they developed a father figure and daughter figure relationship. Over the years they have gone back and forth with feelings for each other in a romantic way. Kadoh loving Dysis but she was with Soren, Dysis loving Kadoh but he was with Wykked... it all ended up coming to an end a few years after Zarek's death with both of them finally getting married.

Legal Status


Dysis Darkchild-Dekross

Widow (Important)

Towards Zarek Trevane



Zarek Trevane

Spouse (Important)

Towards Dysis Darkchild-Dekross




Zarek and Dysis met in Evermoore where he was a blacksmith, she was trying to get away from her feelings for Kadoh and fell for the simple man. They had four children together before Dysis's father killed Zarek to get back at Dysis. It took Dysis time to get over his death but she was able to do so for her children and move on.

Dysis Darkchild-Dekross

Ex-Wife (Important)

Towards Soren Von Rose



Soren Von Rose

Ex-Husband (Important)

Towards Dysis Darkchild-Dekross




Soren was Dysis's first husband and the man that broke her heart running off with another woman and their son. Dysis would like to see Grimm again but is very sure she will not.

Wealth & Financial state

Not only is Dysis the wife of the Prince, she is an accomplished singer and owns a music company called Waves of Emotion. Her company has a Radio Station, Two clubs, a music store and a recording studio.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Madam, Mom, Grandma, Diva
300/32 Years Appearance
Date of Birth
31st of Annahk
Circumstances of Birth
Dysis's mother was kept chained up until she produced an heir for the father.
Circumstances of Death
Northern Wilds
Kadoh Dekross (Husband)
Zarek Trevane (Spouse)
Soren Von Rose (Ex-Husband)
Current Residence
Manmoth City, Pandora
Black, Violet and Burgundy Light Shine, Straight, Long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Kadoh!! That is not a story for a young lady!"   "Singing is a language made from the soul."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages

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