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Eryna Mystblood-Ashen

Eryna Fortess Mystblood-Ashen (a.k.a. E)

As auburn hair brushes softly on the back of the slightly tanned skin woman who stands in the doorway to the Mayors office, her cerulean blue leathers clinging around her waist and her shoulders. A child holding her hand with the same auburn hair as her own, pointed ears poking out from both of their hair. Her free hand holds a book in a leather strap holder swinging it as she walks forward placing it on the desk staring at the Mayor with icy blue eyes narrowed. "You know this is the third time this month you have broken your promise to read him a bed time story. So I figured I would come here and make sure you did this time, Alpha." The little boy laughs as he quirks a brow at his father as his mother walks over to a corner chair setting herself in it eyeing the man intently.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

Eryna has three scars on her body one is on her shoulder slicing down, another is on her hip a crossed her thigh and the last one is hidden in her hair line. The first two are from Merrick, the one on her shoulder was when he killed her pack, the one on her hip was when he tried to get rid of Khem's baby. The one was from Dee dropping her on cement during there fight.

Facial Features

Freckles across her nose and cheeks.

Identifying Characteristics

Pointed ears.

Special abilities

Eryna has an ice bow and has the special ability to change into the wolf form she has.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually is seen carrying a book and a bow, especially if going out of town.

Specialized Equipment

Eryna has a white wolf form she changes into during battle.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eryna (E-ray-na) Fortess Mystblood ran with a pack of twenty, her family, that was until a group of Lycans bent on destroying her race found her pack taking them all out accept for her, during this time Eryna was 34 years old able to be on her own and take care of herself the only trouble was she had been so used to living with a pack that being alone was driving her insane. So insane in fact that she was wandering about through towns until she was found by a daft bird by the name of Demetri who seemed to call her all types of names, this bird was not what intrigued her but the man who was with the bird did especially when he spoke to her of “family” and how he would like to build one again. It was not the romantic feelings she had for the man but the idea of having a family again as she was now lost without her own, following this man she found her way to his new place of building his “family” deciding of course to make it her own as well.  

Gender Identity





Taught by her family in the forest, Eryna did not have a wide knowledge of the world until she met Khem who taught her to read. The only things as a child that Eryna was able to read was Druidic runes and facial expressions. Now though Eryna has taught herself a lot of the information about the world learning many things by reading books.


Former Head Healer at the Healer's Den. Wife to Mayor Khemikelle Ashen.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Over the years Eryna has done alot, she single-handedly opened the Healer's Den in Rikar and kept it open by herself until Khem called in his friends to help. She has become a great healer to the world, healing minds and hearts... her greatest achievement though is getting Khem to finally admit his love for her and the children they share together.

Failures & Embarrassments

Eryna failed to see the backstabbing that her former fiance did to her clan, the result was tragic as her whole clan was murdered.

Mental Trauma

When Eryna was a young Lythari her entire pack was murdered in front of her eyes by the man she was supposed to be marrying for a treaty with the Lycans.

Intellectual Characteristics

Very intellectual, Loves to read and will almost always have a book in her hand.

Personality Characteristics


Family and keeping others safe. No one should have to go through such horrors in the world as what I have seen and lived.

Likes & Dislikes

Books, Her Family, Healing, Archery, Herbs   Slavers, The Families, Idiots, Merrick, Dee


Contacts & Relations

Contacts: Zanna Ashen-Summerhold, Paige Ellis-Ashen, Aurora Windward-Sabetha Koan Yutzamatti,

Family Ties



Eryna Mystblood-Ashen

Wife (Vital)

Towards Mayor of Rikar Khemikelle Ashen



Mayor of Rikar Khemikelle Ashen


Towards Eryna Mystblood-Ashen



Khem and Eryna met a while ago while Khem was pining over his missing guild which disbanded, Eryna had been living in a forest alone for years not sure how to cope with the loneliness of it all. Demetri, Khem's familiar found her one day on a walk... from then on Eryna was 'family' to Khem and he was her 'Alpha'. It took a while for both of them to realize they complimented each other and took it to the next level. Now they are married and Eryna is mother to Khem's two children, one biologically her own and another from another relationship.

Nicknames & Petnames

Eryna calls Khem 'Alpha' due to her clan nature in the forests where she lives... she sees him as her 'Alpha'

Legal Status


Eryna Mystblood-Ashen

Mother (Important)

Towards Zanna Ashen-Summerhold



Zanna Ashen-Summerhold

Daughter (Important)

Towards Eryna Mystblood-Ashen




Zanna took solace in Eryna since she was the only female figure around after her mother disappeared, Eryna loved giving advice to the young one and cared for her deeply. The relationship grew even stronger when Zanna started to push Khem and Eryna together knowing that the pair were hiding a lot of feelings.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head Healer, Mama, Madam Mayor
Date of Birth
28th of Otahr
Year of Birth
1325 60 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Eryna was the daughter of the shaman in her clan, it was told she would bring about the greatest of her clan in her children's birth.
Circumstances of Death
Rikar, Cerulia
Current Residence
Rikar, Cerulia
Ice Blue
Auburn, Long, Wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Anything you say Alpha." -Rolls eyes-
Known Languages
Speak Elvish, Common, Infernal (Khem), Auran (Veata)   Read Druidic, Common   Khemikelle was the one who taught Eryna to read Common and other langauges which caused her such joy she shoved her face in a book and never looked back.

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