Eta Corridon

Forge World of the Adeptus Mechanicus

Eta Corridon is the most populated system of the Corridon System, as well as the most productive. It is lead by a Fabricator General, currently Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi. As a Forge World of the Adeptus Mechanicus, designated a Production Grade of II-Extremis, it is capable of producing huge volumes of equipment and vehicles for the Imperium, including voidships of the Imperial Navy. Due to the war against the Genestealer Cult, known as the Underwar, the Tech-Priests have access to many sample of Tyranid biology, which they continue to study in the many catacombs beneath the surface. As a result of the weapons used to win that war, much of the planet is poisoned with radioactive debris, making much of the surface uninhabitable to those not specially enhanced to survive it.  



See also Underwar   The Underwar was a major conflict against the Cult of the Quarried Flesh. Attacking from the mines beneath the Forge World, they attempted to bring the planet under the control of their Patriarch. Due to the vacillating, ineffective leadership of Fabricator General Maegarous, they nearly succeeded; however, the takeover by the more effective Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi and her use of nuclear weapons to collapse the mines led the Adeptus Mechanicus to final victory. However, much of the planet was devastated in the conflict, and the radioactive debris continues to poison the surface of the planet.  


  After the end of the Underwar, the main threat of the Genestealers was eliminated. However, many holdouts still remained in the innumerable catacombs that had survived the collapse, as well as on Lambda Corridon and in the void, where they hid among the many asteroids and barren planets of the Corridon System. To hunt them out, the Fabricator General launched a campaign of military expansion, growing and building vast numbers of Skitarii and new military equipment. It was during this period that many of the military units that are now the strength of Eta Corridon were founded, as well as many of the great void fleets, including the flagship Twelfth Universal Law, were built. Now hardened by the experience of the brutal tunnel fighting of the Underwar, these reinvigorated forces descended upon the badly numbered Genestealers still assaulting Lambda Corridon , and utterly annihilated them, relieving the bitter defense led by Striden le Corridon . In the void, the great fleet battled with the Cult's stolen ships, attempting to drive their armada from the system. Success was thought inevitable, due to the Mechanicus's great numerical superiority. However, in the Battle of Shipyard Resh, a lightning assault by the remaining cultists enabled them to destroy the largest of the orbital shipyards, and steal the STC fragment used for the Fabricator Ark Dominus-class ship.    


  At current, due to the Fabricator General's absence, as they pursue the fleeing cultists and their invaluable STC fragment, the planet is ruled by the Fabricator Locum, Archmagos Logis Astrea Varashivi. Much of its production remains dedicated to the defeat of the enemy and the ongoing efforts of Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi and the fleet.


Whatever geography Era Corridon may have once had, it is now long buried beneath steel and machinery. Now, there are only the layers of strata of industry and urbanization.

Layers of Eta Corridon

  The surface of Eta Corridon is entirely covered in constructed artifice, and the layers stretch deep into the planet. From the tips of the spires, to the depths of the the deepest catacombs and tunnels, the entire planet is dedicated the the Omnissiah, and the great that powers his armies and fleets across the stars.


At the very top, the spires of the great hive cities stretch above the clouds, and are the only part of the planet uncontaminated by radiation. Here, visiting Imperial nobles lounge in luxury, and the Magi experiment in their great laboratory-cathedrals.


In the upper parts of the hives, the Tech-Priests administrate and oversee the servitors and Skitarii who are the vast majority of the planet's population. The great cathedrals of the Omnissiah are located in the upperhives, and here are the newest devotees inducted into His sacred mysteries.

Lower Hives

The massive lower hives are home to the majority of the population of the Forge World. Here, the untold billions of servitors labor upon the great machines and engines of production, building everything from simple lasguns to entire voidships. This area is filled with labyrinthine machinery and endless networks of tracks, chutes, and conveyers, moving raw resources and finished products to their destination. Heavy radiation will kill anyone unaugmented within a few months if they remain in the lower hives


Beneath the Hive Cities of Eta Corridon, endless tunnels house the most wretched and forgotten of the population. Mutants, broken servitors, and radiation-cursed invalids lurk beneath. These tunnels have been largely abandoned since the Underwar, when they were poisoned by the nuclear weapons used to collapse the mines.  

Necron Tomb

  Buried deep below the lowest layers of the Human habitation of Eta Corridon, the tunnels of the Cult of the Quarried Flesh lie rotting. Once the source of massive mines, the tunnels are now thought abandoned save for Skitarii patrols and occasional expeditions by Tech-Priests searching for remaining bio-samples.

Localized Phenomena


Much of the surface of Eta Corridon is covered in the long-lived radioactive contamination produced in the Underwar. The servitors who toil in the underhives are specially modified to survive the radiation, and the Skitarii legions are equipped with weapons to use this radiation to poison their enemies. Indeed, the radiation is one of the foremost weapons of the Eta Corridon Skitarii, making the planet near-impossible to invade, and poisoning any enemies who attempt to stand against the Mechanicus.

Genestealer Mines

Deep beneath the surface, the half-living mines of the Genestealers are perhaps the most valuable resource of Eta Corridon. With their defenders soundly defeated by Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi, they lies open for research, and the Adeptus Mechanicus is more than happy to do so. Using ancient sanctified tools to examine the fleshy masses, the Mechanicus has learned much of Genestealer biology - and how to damage it.
Alternative Name(s)
Corridon Primus
Additional Rulers/Owners