Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi

Fabricator General of Eta Corridus

Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi is the Fabricator General of Eta Corridon, the more populated and productive of the Corridon System's two worlds. At their word, billions of Skitarii warriors march to war, and untold numbers of servitors and serfs labor in the smoked-wreathed horror of the Forge World. Together with their wife Lady Katarina le Corridon, they are one of the two rulers of the Corridon System, and hunt the Genestealers through the stars, in pursuit of the STC fragment stolen in the Battle of Shipyard Resh. Aboard their Ark Dominus, the Fifteenth Law , they will destroy their enemy.  



Initial Fighting

The Archmagos first rose to prominence during the Underwar when the then-Magos Dominus commanded a large force of Skitarii in the northern polar region. Theirs was the first significant force to push into the Genestealer tunnels themselves, where Magos Varashivi noticed the unique structural flaw that would later provide the decisive end to the conflict. Though Fabricator General Maegarous, jealous of their success, slowly drained away their forces engaged in holding their position, their deft leadership allowed them to avoid retreating.   They also studied the structure, and were close to understanding how the ancient mines supported their impossible weight. This was interrupted, however, by the Broodhoard Rising, where Genestealer Sanctus assassins terminated virtually the entire Adeptus Mechanicus leadership.With the Skitarii leaderless, the cultist forces began a major assault, in order to gain the surface. With the Questor Mechanicus forces guarding their flank badly outnumbered and outgunned, Magos Varashivi and their Sievert Battalion honor guard were forced at last to retreat back into Mechanicus territory.

As Fabricator General

Now the most senior Tech-Priest on the planet, Archmagos Varashivi concocted a new plan to defeat the enemy. The depleted Skitarii forces, they knew, would be unable to defeat the near-endless forces of the abhorred cultists. Instead, they planned to bring their own mine complexes down upon them. The ancient tunnels in which they had plotted for generations were supported by a pair of subspace generators, one located at each of the planet's poles. Though well defended, they were still vulnerable to a Mechanicus assault. While Lady Katarina le Corridon and her forces managed to destroy the one at the south pole in a lightning assault, the heavy fighting around the north pole precluded such a surprise attack. Instead, Archmagos Varashivi led a task force deep into the tunnels, accepting major losses elsewhere to punch through to the generator.  

Final Victory

For several days, it was believed that the Archmagos had been defeated in the labyrinthine tunnels, and the planet lost. Unexpectedly, a series of nuclear explosions rocked the planet, and the vast tunnels of the Cult collapsed. From deep beneath the earth, Archmagos Varashivi returned to lead their planet, blessed by the radiation they had survived in the depths.


Lambda Corridon

  They were now firmly in control of their Forge World, but there was still much work to be done. Many Genestealer forces had escaped into the void, and Eta Corridon was still besieged by the enemy, while many of the system's barren planets and asteroids still held dug-in diehard cultists. Gathering the huge forces now freed from combat, Archmagos Andrissa and Lady Katarina le Corridon rushed to relieve their son Marquis Striden le Corridon from the bitter siege of Corridon City. Finally ending their long dalliance, Archmagos Andrissa and Lady Katarina married soon after the Siege was broken.  

Shipyard Resh

With both major planets of the Corridon System freed, the Imperial forces scoured the void of the cultist presence, hunting down the ships that had escaped before the destruction of the tunnels. Unfortunately, with the fleets distracted by enemies in the outer reaches of the system, a lightning raid by remaining forces of the Cult of the Quarried Flesh assaulted the primary orbital shipyard, destroying much of the Forge World's voidship capacities and stealing an invaluable STC fragment. Archmagos Andrissa gave chase, and continues hunting the fleeing Cult through the void to the present.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Nonbinary Lesbian


Family Ties

Lady Katarina le Corridon

Archmagos Andrissa is married to Lady Katarina. The couple first met during consecration ceremonies for the Omnissiah's Scorn, after the Knight was damaged in combat. They began a long but casual relationship, with both too absorbed in their duties to pursue a more intense romance. They nevertheless worked as political allies, with several of Andrissa's troops participating in Katarina's rise to power. After a particularly long maintenance ritual for the Knight's dual plasma core, the two had their first son, Marquis Striden le Corridon. Nevertheless, the relationship remained casual until the Underwar. The couple were both stationed on the Northern polar front, and their proximity allowed them to finally pursue a more traditional relationship. They fought together in many battles on this front, and when Lady Katarina was nearly overwhelmed during the Broodhoard Rising, Archmagos Andrissa brought their honor guard to her reinforcement. After they became Fabricator General, Andrissa and Katarina led the two missions to destroy the subspace generators that supported the planet's tunnels. After the victory on Eta Corridon, the pair rushed to Lambda Corridon to relieve the Siege of Corridon City and rescue their son Striden le Corridon. After destroying the Cult of the Quarried Flesh on the two primary planets of the Corridon System, the two were finally married, joining the Adeptus Mechanicus and House le Corridon in a grand ceremony in the rebuilt Cathedral of Holy Radiation in Corridon City. They remained together through the Cleansing and the pursuit of the Cult of the Quarried Flesh; at present both are aboard the Fifteenth Law, where they often fight together against the many enemies of the Omnissiah.

Marquis Striden le Corridon

Striden le Corridon is the son of Archmagos Andrissa and Lady Katarina. Born from the long dalliance between the Archmagos and the Duchess before their marriage, he is the heir to House le Corridon, and therefore pilot of the Eternal Defiance. His relationship to his parent Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi was somewhat strange at first, due to his illegitimacy; however, they become closer after their families were formally joined. Now, they are quite close, and fought alongside at the Battle of Corridon City.

Archmagos Cogitator Astrea Varashivi

Archmagos Astrea is the vat-grown child of Archmagos Andrissa and Lady Katarina. During the long warp voyages in pursuit of the Cult of the Quarried Flesh, the two worked to combine their genes into another child. They were then grown in one of the Fifteenth Law's many growth vats, then raised after decantation by Katarina and Andrissa. Growing up aboard an Ark Mechanicus, Astrea was soon inducted into the sacred mysteries of the Omnissiah. They showed a prodigal skill with mathematics and statistics, and were soon capable of an almost prophetic level of prediction. By the time they reached the age of 25, they were inducted as one of the youngest Magi of the Ordo Logis. After several victories over the Genestealers due to prognostications of their movement, they were further promoted to the rank of Archmagos. Though their parent was the Fabricator General, both of them worked to avoid the appearance of nepotism, even as they bonded over their worship of the Machine God. Hoping to further their predictive abilities, Astrea returned to Eta Corridon, where they led the planet to new heights of production, repeatedly exceeding quotas.


Lady Katarina le Corridon

Wife (Vital)

Towards Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi


Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi

Spouse (Vital)

Towards Lady Katarina le Corridon


Marquis Striden le Corridon


Towards Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi


Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi


Towards Marquis Striden le Corridon


Archmagos Cogitator Astrea Varashivi


Towards Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi


Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi


Towards Archmagos Cogitator Astrea Varashivi


Date of Birth
3 790 142 M41
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
250 lbs
Owned Vehicles
Cult Mechanicus
Ruled Locations