Sievert Maniple

The Sievert Maniple are the personal honor guard of the Fabricator General, currently Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi. They are renowned for their fanaticism and valor. Many of the Skitarii in the Sievert Maniple are later promoted to high-ranking Tech-Priests - many an Archmagos remembers their time in the Sievert Maniple. Indeed, even the Fabricator General themself served as a Dragoon in the Ironstrider Clade.   As the personal guard of the Fabricator General, the Maniple goes wherever they go. Depending on the particular Fabricator General, this may mean they are relegated to a ceremonial parade unit, as under Fabricator General Maegarous , or an elite unit sent into the thickest of fighting, as under the current incumbent Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi.



The Sievert Maniple nominally contains 24,500 Skitarii, commanded by 500 Tech-Priests, totalling 25,000 soldiers. This is supported by a logistics and support detachment of approximately 10,000 servitors and Cogitator Tech-Priests.   Many of the Skitarii in the Maniple hope to eventually rise to the rank of high-ranking Tech-Priests. The Sievert Maniple is one of the most respected units of Skitarii Legions, and is seen as a conduit to high office within the Mechanicus. Length of service is also very important in these promotions - though Skitarii can request to return to civilian life at any point in their service, those who serve for less than 10 years are generally frowned upon, while future Archmagos are often expected to serve two decades or more.


The Maniple uses the same standard equipment as the rest of Eta Corridon's Skitarii; however, because most of the Skitarii have been inducted into the Omnissiah's holy mysteries, many of their weapons have been custom-modified to even greater effects. Due to the Maniple's access to rad-cleanser chambers, rad weapons are more commonly used than in other units.


  • Sievert Maniple
    • Independent Cohorts
      • Headquarters Cohort
        The headquarters cohort orchestrates the overall operations of the Maniple, and includes most of the unit's Tech-Priests. If present during combat, the Fabricator General assumes command of the headquarters cohort.
      • Enginseer Cohort
        The Enginseer Cohort consists of enginseer tech-priests, skilled in the rapid construction and sanctification of field fortifications, bridges, and other combat enginseering tasks.
      • Noospheric Control Cohort
        This cohort consists of Cogitator Tech-Priests, who maintain, update, and bless the noosphere under combat conditions, and destroy the enemies' heretekal parodies of the Omnissiah's bounty.
      • Sicarian Cohort
        This cohort contains the Maniple's Sicarian units, and is used for infiltration and assassination missions, where neccesary. It is also capable of advanced melee combat.
    • Line Macroclades
      • Alpha Macroclade
        The first of the Maniple's three infantry Macroclades, consisting of Skitarii and their transports.
        • 1st Clade
          This first clade consists of Skitarii Vanguard and their Skorpius Dunerider transports. It also contains the Skitarii Marshal responsible for the entire Macroclade.
        • 2nd Clade
          This second clade consists of Skitarii Vanguard and their Skorpius Dunerider transports.
        • 3rd Clade
          This third clade consists of Skitarii Rangers and their Skorpius Dunerider transports.
        • 4th Clade
          This fourth clade consists of Skitarii Rangers and their Skorpius Dunerider transports.
      • Beta Macroclade
        The second of the Maniple's three infantry Macroclades, consisting of Skitarii and their transports.
        • 1st Clade
          This first clade consists of Skitarii Vanguard and their Skorpius Dunerider transports. It also contains the Skitarii Marshal responsible for the entire Macroclade.
        • 2nd Clade
          This second clade consists of Skitarii Vangaurd and their Skorpius Dunerider transports.
        • 3rd Clade
          This third clade consists of Skitarii Rangers and their Skorpius Dunerider transports.
        • 4th Clade
          This fourth clade consists of Skitarii Rangers and their Skorpius Dunerider transports.
      • Gamma Macroclade
        The last of the Maniple's three infantry Macroclades, consisting of Skitarii and their transports.
        • 1st Clade
          This first clade consists of Skitarii Vanguard and their Skorpius Dunerider transports. It also contains the Skitarii Marshal responsible for the entire Macroclade.
        • 2nd Clade
          This second clade consists of Skitarii Vangaurd and their Skorpius Dunerider transports.
        • 3rd Clade
          This third clade consists of Skitarii Rangers and their Skorpius Dunerider transports.
        • 4th Clade
          This fourth clade consists of Skitarii Rangers and their Skorpius Dunerider transports.
      • Cavalry Macroclade
        This Macroclade contains the Maniple's cavalry units, including maneuverable units such as Ironstriders and Serberys, as well as heavy support units such as Dunecrawlers and Skorpius Disintegrators.
        • Ironstrider Clade
          This clade contains the Maniple's highly maneuverable Ironstrider engines. It is further subdivided into the Ballistari Cohort and the Dragoon cohort, consisting of the fire support and close combat forms of the Ironstrider, respectively.
        • Serberys Clade
          This Clade contains the Maniple's Serberys riders. It is further broken down into the Raider and Sulpherhound Cohorts, equipped with the two variants of the Serberys mount.
        • Dunecrawler Clade
          This clade contains the Maniple's powerful Dunecrawler medium tanks. It is often deployed in support of the infantry Macroclades.
        • Disintegrator Clade
          This clade contains the Maniple's heavy Skorpius Disintegrator tanks. They are used both in direct infantry support missions and for long-range fire support.
      • Archaeopter Wing
        This Wing consists of the Maniple's archaeopter air force, used both for logistical and attack missions.
        • Alpha Fusilave Flight
          This is the first of the Wing's two Fusilave bomber flights, commonly used to destroy fixed enemy positions and other hard targets.
        • Beta Fusilave Flight
          This is the second of the Wing's two Fusilave bomber flights, commonly used to destroy fixed enemy positions and other hard targets.
        • Alpha Stratoraptor Flight
          The first of the Wing's two Stratoraptor flights, used to destroy enemy aircraft, and perform gunruns on enemy positions.
        • Beta Stratoraptor Flight
          The second of the Wing's two Stratoraptor flights, used to destroy enemy aircraft, and perform gunruns on enemy positions.
        • Transvector Flight
          A flight of transport aircraft, used for rapid redeployment of Skitarii troopers, or their insertion behind enemy lines.




Logistical Support

The Sievert Logistical Cohort supports the Maniple when in combat. They deliver huge the quantities of ammunition, fuel, servitors, spare parts, and other supplies the Maniple requires in battle. Magos Cogitator are also employed
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy