Mountain Farmstead

This mountain farm east of Herigberg is the family home of Sergei. It was originally built by his great grandfather who wanted to build a place of refuge for his family and descendants.


The buildings of the farmstead are protected by magic which was instilled into the wood and stones during their construction.

Purpose / Function

The farmstead was intended as a place to get away from the world and be able to raise a family in peace. It consists of a farmhouse, a shed, a barn, and a chicken coop. There are five large fields in which the crops are rotated yearly with one field left fallow.


The dimensions of the cabin are thirty feet by forty feet. The main room is twenty feet by twenty feet with exits off to three bedrooms and the kitchen and dining area. The kitchen and dining area is twenty by fifteen with access to a five foot wide staircase up to the attic. Two of the three bedrooms are ten feet by ten feet, while the master bedroom is ten feet by twenty feet.


The outer walls are crafted with stone until the eaves and attic, which is crafted from the local hemlock. The roof is covered with cedar shingles. The back of the fireplaces and the chimneys are crafted out of river stones and mortar.


The kitchen and dining area has a stone floor except for the trap door to the root cellar, which has a wooden ladder leading into the clay cellar. The cook stove is metal while the oven is adobe which shares a chimney with the kitchen fireplace where stews and soups are made.


All the interior walls are made of wood with wood panelling on the interior of the outer stone walls. The floors are made of stone with wooden overlays. The exception to this is the main room which has wooden overlay except for the hearth which is made with trilateral stones.

Sensory & Appearance

The farmhouse feels homey with smells of fresh baked bread, a slight smokey odour, and lit by lanterns and the fireplaces. The lanterns are powered by magic which need to be renewed every year. The wooden interior is warm and comforting. It has a lingering energy of children and families, who grew in the cabin.


Sergei's grandfather added a secret magical laboratory and library under the farmhouse when he was given control after his father passed away. He collected many various magical tomes from all the peoples of Corrigenda; some of which are too dangerous to be left out in the realms.


There are permanent enchantments and shielding on the lab, library and the most dangerous of the magical books.

Founding Date
22 Agbaint 1084ATO
Alternative Names
Mount Fairvale


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