Satyr Village on Sergei's Farmstead

Fellow citizens; This is a day of new beginnings. Master Druid Sergei has offered us forested land where we can build a new home; free from the encroachments of humans. He and his Apprentice Eldrick are willing to live in harmony with us and the land. Sergei's mountain farmstead, is larger than they need. A good portion of the land is still forested so we will have no worries about needing to relocate again. There are no plans to cler the forest especially since it can produce foragables to supplement all our needs and theirs. The villagers in the valley have permission to gather the milk and eggs from the farm while he is away, they can hunt the woodlands as long as they do not over hunt, and they maintain the route from the village to the farmstead. Maybell here is not the horse she seems, she has given herloyalty to the farmstead and she is one of us, a Fae creature. There is an abundance here like we have not seen in a long time.
— Glimhook the Satyr to the rest of his village during the Feast of Servalin 1201


There are many meaderies, gardeners, and apiaries. The citizens have worked together to build a windmill for milling grain. They have created cobblestone roads and began working some of Sergei's fields bringing in the grain and crops which sprouted over the spring and summer.


Satyr Village is a newly established community after receiving Sergei's blessing.

Natural Resources

The village is encased in the mountain providing stone, lumber, and ore. There is plenty of fertile arable land for growing crops and vegetables. The citizens brought with them their beehives for honey. The hamlet is located on the forested slopes with clearings created for growing flowers and other plants.

Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Sergei's Memorial Refuge
The current population is twenty-five Satyrs
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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