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Talopi (Tall-Opee)

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Feli, Amali, Sonja

Masculine names

Piet, Aldfri, Torsten, Timo

Unisex names


Family names

The Talopi use the given name, surname format.   Cano, Henschel, Minik, Sauer


Culture and cultural heritage

The Talopi are a very militaristic people.

Common Dress code

As a byproduct of being a colony of Nodum, with the first colonists being primarily from the border between the United Nodea of Freethinking Nods and Amardoum, the culture of the Talopi feels like a time capsule from 3050s Nodum.   Frock coats, waistcoats and breeches were common for men in the military to wear as uniform, both on and off duty. Civilian men would often wear plain shirts with small collars, trousers and overcoats.   Upper Class Talopi Women would often wear shoulderless dresses that are loose and double layered, called the Talopi Skirt. Middle and Lower Class women would wear simple full length dresses.

Coming of Age Rites

Joining the military or vying for a seat in the Xonod Senate are the two highest aspirations a young Talopi man could have. As such, most teenagers serve in their local Garrisons as support staff, like custodians and chefs.

Major organizations

See Talopi Xonod   The historically majority political party in the Xonod Senate, the Talopi Taxpayer League (TTL), believed in Talopi supremacy, and this belief motivated the beginning of the Tianni Civil War.
Related Organizations
Related Locations

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