Tianni Civil War Military Conflict in Corrum Galaxia | World Anvil
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Tianni Civil War (Tea-awn)

The Conflict


Talopi Xonod declared independence from Nodum in 2845. They soon after established themselves as a autocratic state that elevated the Talopinod above other species.   The Free Colonies of Tiann, a loose alliance of colonies, small settlements and homesteaders, came together to oppose the expansion of the Talopi. They had no formalised military, and relied on militias and mercenaries to fight for them.

The Engagement

Tradelands Campaign

The first major theatre of the war was the Tradelands Campaign. The Talopi Xonod wished to capture the major tradeports that resided outside of their borders. These ports were very valuable both for their economic effects, but also as the safest landing zones outside of the moon's near total junglescape.  

Skirmish at Cano Homestead

The movement of the Katzen Garrison on the Cano Homestead   The Skirmish at Cano Homestead was the first incident of open combat between Talopi Xonod and an unaligned homestead.   2 Platoons of soldiers from the Fort Katzen Garrison marched on a small settlement just beyond their recognized borders. Cano Homestead, a farming village with a population of 193, was the closest free settlement to a TXA troop centre, and was targeted as a first attempt at annexation.   While the battle was short and lopsided, a small and loosely organized militia was able to defend the village long enough for most women, children and elderly to flee at great cost to themselves. The Fort Katzen Garrison also suffered casualties, mostly as a result of poor battlefield leadership and equipment, but successfully occupied the village and it's large supply of food stores.  

Siege of Inthyla Saffmit

Troop movements prior to the Siege
Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
A ceasefire was signed with little changes in territory, Talpoi Xonod reforms as the Xonod of Jopsaffum


Talopi Xonod
Free Colonies of Tiann


6.5 Million soldiers
  • 5.5 Million Talopi Xonod Army regulars
  • 700,000 reservists
  • 300,000 irregulars and mercenaries
3 million
  • 2 million militiamen
  • 500,000 mercenaries
  • 500,000 Talopi resistance fighters


  • ~4 Million soldiers
  • ~300,000 civilians
  • ~2 million soldiers
  • ~1 million civilians


Conquer all of Tiann.
Defend their homesteads and colonies from Talopi expansion.


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