
The Goddess is an ageless being who has sired and guided hundreds of civilizations. One of the four Reikeh, by which she is refferred to as the Blind Queen, she is possibly one of the oldest and most powerful daemons in the Dream World. She has taken many lovers among mortals over her time and sired powerful half-daemon warlocks, including Mara and Sena, the Phantasm of Io.   Known for her mercurial attitude and a tendency to bury herself in accessible realms of the Dream World when taken by the mood, her influence on the affairs of mortals--while great--is often unpredictable. She left the Waking World most recently after her lover Alyn Arkades annexed a group of her followers called the Moku, a calamatous event that almost resulted in the destruction of the entire Dream World. The Goddess rewarded the Party with a seed from a powerful entity called the Grave, which is said to hold great value among the Progenitors.  

A Queen among Daemons

The Goddess is one of the four Reikeh, a group believed to be the oldest and most powerful daemons in the Dream World. Little is known about The Reikeh or their origins, but by visiting Progenitor ruins the Party has discovered that they share a name with one of the two civilizations who became known as the Progenitors. It was said The Reikeh lived on planets while their rivals, the Jallen lived in space. The two sides engaged in a conflict called the Hyperion War, which tore the stars asunder. Perhaps this conflict explains something the Goddess said to the party during a cryptic reverie: that she "destroyed the universe once."   The Goddess is believed to be the most powerful of all Reikeh. However, her name the Blind Queen reflects her tendency to bury herself in the deepest layers of the Dream World when events upset her. She also watches over an organism called the Grave, a giant coral-like being that devours artifacts from ancient civilizations that power its dreams. The Grave is a structural pillar of the Dream World, and is perhaps the source of some of its facets that do not originate from the dreams of humans. The Goddess also commands a race called the Grave Keepers, benevelont giants with seashell-like skin that comb ruins for artifacts to feed the Grave. The Grave Keepers are largely benevolent, but will display their fearsome power and speed to anyone who interferes with their collecting efforts.  

Divine Interventions

Throughout history, the Goddess has taken a more active role among civilizations in the waking world. She is said to be the originator of all gods, lending her powers to shape the beliefs of mortals into existence. Her ageless perpsective often brings her in conflict with the civilizations she sires when they reach technological maturity. She has seen enough civilizations fall to the hubris of their own creations to know that it is a path leading only to ruin. Yet her subjects rarely heed her warnings, and it breaks her heart every time.   First, came the Illithid, a people sporting a powerful inner empire and an insatiable curiosity for matters of the mind. However, their curiosity proved their ruin when they tried to mount an invasion of the Dream World through the Grave, and faced extinction for their efforts.   Later, came the Moku, a people strong of body and gifted in the art of metullurgy. The Goddess took their leader King Laho as a lover and taught him to forge the spirits themselves. But Laho turned to hubris when he sought to appropriate the stone "armor" other species on his moon used to protect themselves from solar flairs. His forging created the condition Helioschosis, dooming the Moku to turn to stone when in contact with sunlight and regressing their society to tribal nomads. Unlike many, the Moku learned from the universe's punishment. They came to worship the Goddess as a deity of the sun and shunned all technology made by unnatural fires.   Amidst living through countless similar experiences, Goddess often rejects those who choose technological advancement over her teachings, leaving them and the divine powers of their protectors. As such, the Goddess's influence serves as a check of sorts on technological advancement in the Waking World. Primitive races benefit from her divine influence and protection, making them more difficult for advanced races to conquer. Still the advantage is rarely decisive, and factions like the Homyn Lunar Brigade have found ways to dismantle the gods from power, keeping their weakened forms as pet familiars for their soldiers.   The Goddes's latest consort was the Homyn Professor Alyn Arkades. While he hailed from the Homyn Kingdom, he expressed a boundless curiosity from the Dream World and an honest desire to partake of the Goddess's teachings. The Goddess found herself falling in love with Alyn despite herself, and toghether they had a daughter named Mara. But Alyn betrayed her when he sold the secrets of the Dream World to the Homyn. While he claimed to have acted in an effort to bring his people in harmony with her teachings, the Goddess knew the mark of hubris well enough by now to see it in him. She left Alyn and took Mara with her to the Dream World, and planned to stay there for a while.  

Exodous from the Waking World

During her absence, a friend of Alyn, Nasser Graham, visited the Grave in search of the progenitor homeworld. He asked the Goddess for a seed from the grave, an item said to have great value among the progenitors. Distrusting of his intentions, the Goddess denied his request.   Alyn, however, proved a more stubborn student than the Goddess expected, and he used his knowledge of alchemy to work toward a cure for the Moku's helioschosis, bringing them into the Homyn fold in the process. The Goddess returned when Brigadier General Howe of the Lunar Brigade was defeated by the Corsairs in a bid to destroy the Grave and bring an end to the Dream World. She took the general back to the Dream World to face punishment. However, this time, she forbade Mara from following, saying that she belonged among humans rather than at the Goddess's side.   With that, the Goddess again abandoned the Waking World and her Moku subjects, as Alyn's interfernece had brought them irrevocably down the path of hubris. She rewarded the Party for their efforts by giving them the seed from the Grave she had denied Nasser as well as a lotus flower that would allow them to choose the next leader of the Moku people. With that, she returned to the Dream World. Whether she would ever return or what role she played in the Progenitors' ancient conflicts, still remain a mystery.


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